Bittersweet News

Bittersweet News

This announcement may come as a surprise: we are ending the production of LifeTalk. This is a terribly sad day for us- and we have avoided making this decision for several years, but there are some harsh realities we can no longer ignore.

A Nation Without Hope

A Nation Without Hope

Watch the news or go on any social media platform and you are likely to see that some sort of tragic violence has taken place recently. It seems that we, as a nation, cannot escape it and the violence seems to be escalating. What causes this violence that hurts and kills human life? It depends on whom you ask but it really comes down to one thing…

We want your feedback on Life Talk!

We want your feedback on Life Talk!

Our goal for LifeTalk has always been to provide you with important pro-life news and information to help in the conflict against abortion. This means that we must continue to evolve the show so that it meets the needs of our viewers and look to see if there is any way it can be improved. This can only be achieved with your help, and of course, your feedback.