We want your feedback on Life Talk!

Our goal for LifeTalk has always been to provide you with important pro-life news and information to help in the conflict against abortion. This means that we must continue to evolve the show so that it meets the needs of our viewers and look to see if there is any way it can be improved. This can only be achieved with your help, and of course, your feedback.

UPDATED: 1/27/20 to provide an announcement about LifeTalk.

Since 1999, Life Dynamics has produced Life Talk, a pro-life talk show that tackles the tough issues related to abortion.

Mark, Renee, and Sheila on the set of Life Talk.

Our goal for this show has always been to provide you with important pro-life news and information to help in the conflict against abortion. But our mentality has always been that this show was not for us – but for you, the pro-life movement. This means that we must continue to evolve the show so that it meets the needs of our viewers and look to see if there is any way it can be improved.

We need your help!

This can only be achieved with your help, and of course, your feedback. So please take a moment and answer this brief survey. It is only ten questions long and should only take a few minutes to complete. Afterwards, if you have anything else you wish to let us know about the show – or if you have a show idea – email us at: info@lifedynamics.com.

Create your own user feedback survey

Let us remember what we are working towards. We must continue on so that one day this genocide will come to an end and every baby will be safe from the clutches of abortion.


We are sad to announce that we have ended the production of LifeTalk. For more information about this, read the post below.

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