The information we need to destroy the abortion industry is inside the abortion industry!

Learn how to get that information today.

Life Dynamics has transferred product fulfillment to Priests For Life.
Clicking the “Order” button will redirect you to their online store.

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    When the abortion industry’s repugnant and often illegal behaviors are exposed to the public, support for legalized abortion erodes.

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    Today, the American abortion industry is more vulnerable to professionally conducted infiltration campaigns than it has ever been.

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    Because of the internet and social media, we are no longer hostage to the pro-abortion media to deliver this information to the public.

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    An established leader in undercover intelligence operations targeting the abortion industry, Life Dynamics has often been approached by people wanting to be trained in this area.

Now we have developed a program to do exactly that.

For the first time, those who are serious about carrying out pro-life intelligence operations have an opportunity to be trained by the people who paved the way for it and built their reputation on it. On this exclusive three disc set, Life Dynamics President, Mark Crutcher, will show you how to get the information that we need to destroy the abortion industry. With this knowledge, you will join a network of qualified intelligence operatives across the country. Starting within your community, together we will strip away the cover of darkness that has shielded the abortion industry for more than 40 years.

So if you want to be a professional intel operative, order this training set for just $45 (shipping included) to get started now!

Life Dynamics has transferred product fulfillment to Priests For Life.
Clicking “Buy Now” will redirect you to their online store.

Also, be sure to check out Siege!

A Book That Will Change EVERYTHING You Think About The War Against The Unborn

Right now, the pro-life movement is entering a new phase as we continue to fight for the pre-born. This game-changing book is designed to provide a better understanding of the battle ahead and the unseen opportunity that awaits us.