Our Motto
“We are not here to just put up a good fight, we are here to win
– because winning is how this killing is going to stop.”
Our Story

After taking the world by storm with his seminars on how to own pro-choicers in debates, Mark Crutcher created Life Dynamics in 1992 to expose the dirty secrets of the abortion industry. Over the years, we have uncovered all the biggest atrocities of the abortion industry. While you may not have heard the name Life Dynamics, you have most likely heard about our work.
Statement Of Position
Under no circumstances should it be legal to intentionally take the life of an innocent human being. Given the proven biological reality that a new and unique human being is created at the moment of fertilization, that new human being is entitled to the same right-to-life as every other human being. This right is to be protected in law with no exceptions, in all circumstances, and at every stage of development.
With modern medicine, the possibility that continuing a pregnancy to term might cause the woman’s death is extraordinarily unlikely and, in fact, many physicians contend that there is no situation in which this possibility exists. However, if a situation arises in which it is medically determined that a woman’s pregnancy poses an immediate and potentially fatal threat to her physical life, her physician should be allowed to perform any and all medical procedures that are necessary to save her. But in that process, the physician must also do everything possible to save the life of her unborn baby. If as an unintended consequence of a legitimate effort to save both lives, either or both fail to survive, that would be an unavoidable and thus legally permissible outcome.
Our Strategies
Over the years, Life Dynamics has broken all the biggest crimes of the abortion industry. Our undercover operations are what sets us apart from every other pro-life organization in the country.
With the explosion in the number of young people coming into the pro-life movement, our mission is to make sure that they understand the uncompromised pro-life position and how to defend it, as well as educate them about the movement’s history and the dynamics of this battle.
Our Direct Mail Program and Clinic Worker Outreach program can be a wake up call for those inside the industry as while also educating medical students and physicians about the realities about the lives of abortionists.
Life Dynamics offers various tools and products, not only to help advance the pro-life movement as a whole, but to also help individuals in their own pursuit of saving babies’ lives.