Abortion DIstortion
New Animated Series From Life Dynamics
Abortion Distortion - By Life Dynamics
Our Investigations
Exposing the biggest horrors and
coverups of the abortion industry.
PLA Podcast
The Pro-Life America Podcast
A pro-life podcast that’s exciting, provocative, and sometimes controversial.
The Pro-Life America Podcast
A pro-life podcast that’s exciting, provocative, and sometimes controversial.
Pro-Life Answers
Exposing the pro-choice movement’s rhetoric and deceptions.
Sanger Files
The Sanger Files
Read the writings of Planned Parenthood founder, Margaret Sanger, & newsletters from the American Birth Control League.
The Sanger Files
Read the writings of Planned Parenthood founder, Margaret Sanger, and newsletters from the American Birth Control League.
Force Form
The Force Form
This simple & effective document has helped countless women from being forced to have an abortion.
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Life Dynamics is not here to just put up a good fight, we are here to win – because winning is how this killing is going to stop.

“Abortion Distortion” Series

This video series pushes the no compromises, no exceptions, and no apologies pro-life position, while forcing the other side to play defense – all in just 30-60 seconds!

The Pro-Life
America Podcast

Listen to our podcast for a unique take on the latest abortion related news and issues. Sometimes controversial, our show tackles the tough issues other shows won’t.

Life Dynamics Videos

Our eye-opening videos and documentaries show the truth about abortion.

Our Story

After taking the world by storm with his seminars on how to own pro-choicers in debates, Mark Crutcher created Life Dynamics in 1992 to expose the dirty secrets of the abortion industry. Over the years, we have uncovered all the biggest atrocities of the abortion industry. While you may not have heard the name Life Dynamics, you have most likely heard about our work.


A book about forced sex, mutilation, and death.

Sorry, you won’t find this book in the fiction section.

To find out what’s really going on inside American abortion clinics, read Lime 5. You’ll be sorry – that it’s really happening.

Pregnancy Center Resources

Are you with a Pregnancy Resource Center?

Life Dynamics has developed a range of effective materials that have been used in pregnancy centers nationwide.

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