Contraception & Chemical Abortion
Learn about chemical abortions and the relationship between contraception (birth control) and abortion.
“Plan B”
RU-486 and Other Chemical Abortions
While it may seem that contraception is the logical solution to abortion,
pregnancy rates are actually higher for women who are on birth control.
Dr. Robert Hatcher is a widely recognized expert in the field of contraception, a professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology, and author of the book, Contraception Technology. At a 1995 National Abortion Federation meeting held in New Orleans, Hatcher cited a study conducted at Cornell and the University of Pennsylvania, saying, “…half of the women put on Norplant, and half put on oral contraceptives-now listen to these numbers-at the end of 15 months, all these women not wanting to become pregnant, 38 percent of the pill patients were pregnant! Thirty-eight percent! What are we doing? We’re giving them a fertility pill!”
“…half of the women put on Norplant, and half put on oral contraceptives-now listen to these numbers-at the end of 15 months, all these women not wanting to become pregnant, 38 percent of the pill patients were pregnant! Thirty-eight percent! What are we doing? We’re giving them a fertility pill!”
Dr. Robert Hatcher
Hatcher’s observation on the relationship between birth control and pregnancy rates are not new. After a 1958 Planned Parenthood conference, a report was published on its findings which included the following statement: “It was recognized by the conference participants that no scientific evidence has been developed to support the claim that increased availability of contraceptive services will clearly result in a decreased illegal abortion rate.” (The fact that this quote relates to illegal abortion is irrelevant. The question of how contraception use affects pregnancy rates is not influenced by the legal status of abortion.)
This report was edited by Dr. Mary Calderone, Medical Director of Planned Parenthood, and the Chairman of the Statement Committee was Alan Guttmacher for whom Planned Parenthood’s research branch is named. One of the participants in this conference was Dr. Alfred Kinsey. When another of the attendees continued to push contraception as the way to eradicate abortion, Kinsey responded, “At the risk of being repetitious, I would remind the group that we have found the highest frequency of induced abortion in the group which, in general, most frequently uses contraceptives.”
Another major problem is that, contrary to popular belief, many forms of contraception are abortifacients.
There are two important steps in the very beginning of pregnancy, fertilization and implantation.
The manufacturers of birth control pills, patches, injections, etc. say that their products are intended to prevent fertilization, but admit that when this fails the drugs can also prevent implantation. Meaning they didn’t prevent the pregnancy from occurring, they prevented it from continuing. That is Abortion.

Also, many intra-uterine devices, also known as IUDs, do not prevent pregnancies from occurring.
IUDs are designed to prevent implantation and create an environment in the womb that terminates the pregnancy.
In a pathetic attempt to cover up the fact that morning-after pills, emergency contraceptives and most birth control pills are actually early-term abortions, the abortion lobby has tried to redefine pregnancy. On one hand, they will concede that these drugs do indeed act after fertilization; however, they argue that since these chemicals are designed to work before implantation, the woman is not really pregnant and, therefore, there can be no termination of pregnancy. In other words, according to their line of reasoning, it is not technically possible for these drugs to constitute an abortion. This is a great example of the abortion industry’s way of misleading the general public.
The biological fact is that a new human life is created at the moment of fertilization and that does not change whether implantation occurs instantly, five minutes later, two days later or never. It is also important to note, that research indicates that birth control is linked to various cancers and cardio-vascular problems.
Check out this episode of our Pro-Life America podcast featuring special guest Angela Lanfranchi (M.D., F.A.C.S., and President of the Breast Cancer Prevention Institute) for in-depth look at birth control and what doctors and researchers are NOT telling you about hormonal contraception.
Plan B (The Morning After Pill)

Plan B is an “emergency contraceptive” that is designed to be taken within 72 hours of sex to temporarily delay the release of an egg from the ovary. However, the FDA states on its website ¹ that it also may prevent fertilization, or even “prevent a fertilized egg from attaching to the womb.”
In other words, in cases where it doesn’t prevent pregnancy, it can end it. This is because much of its effectiveness to prevent pregnancy rather than ending it depends on where a woman is in her cycle. The active ingredient Levonorgestrel, is common among birth control pills, but is found in much lower doses than compared to the “morning after pill.”
In 2006, the FDA approved the drug to be sold over the counter to those, including men, over the age of 18. Those younger than 18 would have to obtain a prescription from a doctor before being able to purchase the abortifacient. The FDA stated that the reason for this decision was that “proponents did not demonstrate that Plan B could be used safely by young adolescent women for emergency contraception without the professional supervision of a licensed practitioner.” ² However, in 2013, the FDA amended this and approved the drug to be sold to anyone over the counter, regardless of their age. Now, Plan B can even be found in vending machines on college campuses. ³
Because of the ease of availability of Plan B, it has become a best friend to both pro-choice males and pedophiles. Since this drug has been available over the counter without a prescription, reports of men slipping the drug into their girlfriend’s or wife’s food and drinks have surfaced. Read about these cases here.

Additionally, the ease of availability for men and young girls to purchase this dangerous drug allows pedophiles to conceal illegal sexual relationships with minors from the child’s friends and family, as well as the authorities. To learn more about this epidemic, click here.
RU-486 and Other Chemical Abortions
Background on RU-486
RU-486 has a dark and interesting history.
RU-486 was developed in 1980 by the pharmaceutical company, Roussel Uclaf, who is a subsidiary of Hoechst AG. Hoechst AG made its niche, and a fortune, producing the deadly Zyklon-B gas for the Nazi concentration camps under the name IG Farben. Because IG Farben’s name became virtually synonymous with the Holocaust and unethical medical experimentations, this company changed their name after the war. (For more about the pro-choice movement’s connection to the eugenics movement and the Nazis, click here.)
RU486 is commonly known by its generic names, mifepristone, Mifegyne ( in Europe), Mifeprex (United States) and did not get approved for use in America by the FDA until September of 2000. 1 However, it is only supposed to be available to women who are no more than 49 days pregnant, directly from a licensed physician, and not through pharmacies or via internet distribution. Women prescribed this are also required to sign a form indicating they are aware of the risks associated with RU-486 and agree to return for two additional visits (on day 3 for follow up medications, and day 14 to determine if the abortion has taken place). RU-486 is a very dangerous drug with many risks and complications attached to it.
Background on RU-486
RU-486 was developed in 1980 by the pharmaceutical company, Roussel Uclaf, who is a subsidiary of Hoechst AG. Hoechst AG made its niche, and a fortune, producing the deadly Zyklon-B gas for the Nazi concentration camps under the name IG Farben. Because IG Farben’s name became virtually synonymous with the Holocaust and unethical medical experimentations, this company changed their name after the war. (For more about the pro-choice movement’s connection to the eugenics movement and the Nazis, click here.)
RU486 is commonly known by its generic names, mifepristone, Mifegyne ( in Europe), Mifeprex (United States) and did not get approved for use in America by the FDA until September of 2000. 1 However, it is only supposed to be available to women who are no more than 49 days pregnant, directly from a licensed physician, and not through pharmacies or via internet distribution. Women prescribed this are also required to sign a form indicating they are aware of the risks associated with RU-486 and agree to return for two additional visits (on day 3 for follow up medications, and day 14 to determine if the abortion has taken place). RU-486 is a very dangerous drug with many risks and complications attached to it.
How RU-486 Works
RU-486 interferes with the delivery of progesterone, a hormone that is crucial for the child to develop. Without the delivery of progesterone the uterus continues the regular monthly menstrual cycle, which starves the child of nutrients, dislodges the child from the uterine wall, and expels the child along with the uterine lining.
Alone, RU-486 is usually not able to induce an abortion. Two days after receiving the RU-486, most women are given a prostaglandin, also known as misoprostol or Cytotec, to induce contractions strong enough to expel the baby.
But, Cytotec is an anti-ulcer medication that the manufacturer warns against using for abortions. “Searle regards the administration of misoprostol, either alone or in combination with other drugs to interfere with the course of pregnancy, as misuse of the product… We strongly condemn misuse of the product.” 2
RG Searle has even gone so far as to print warnings that women who use Cytotec may experience: frequent contractions that can last a long time, “…uterine rupture (requiring surgical repair, hysterectomy [surgical removal of the uterus], and/or salpingo-oophorectomy [surgical removal of a Fallopian tube and an ovary])… Pelvic pain, retained placenta, severe genital bleeding, shock… and fetal and maternal death have been reported… There may be an increased risk of… uterine rupture … with the use of higher doses of Cytotec; including the manufactured 100 mcg tablet. The risk of uterine rupture increases with advancing gestational ages…” 3
How RU-486 Works
RU-486 interferes with the delivery of progesterone, a hormone that is crucial for the child to develop. Without the delivery of progesterone the uterus continues the regular monthly menstrual cycle, which starves the child of nutrients, dislodges the child from the uterine wall, and expels the child along with the uterine lining.
Alone, RU-486 is usually not able to induce an abortion. Two days after receiving the RU-486, most women are given a prostaglandin, also known as misoprostol or Cytotec, to induce contractions strong enough to expel the baby.
But, Cytotec is an anti-ulcer medication that the manufacturer warns against using for abortions. “Searle regards the administration of misoprostol, either alone or in combination with other drugs to interfere with the course of pregnancy, as misuse of the product… We strongly condemn misuse of the product.” 2
RG Searle has even gone so far as to print warnings that women who use Cytotec may experience: frequent contractions that can last a long time, “…uterine rupture (requiring surgical repair, hysterectomy [surgical removal of the uterus], and/or salpingo-oophorectomy [surgical removal of a Fallopian tube and an ovary])… Pelvic pain, retained placenta, severe genital bleeding, shock… and fetal and maternal death have been reported… There may be an increased risk of… uterine rupture … with the use of higher doses of Cytotec; including the manufactured 100 mcg tablet. The risk of uterine rupture increases with advancing gestational ages…” 3
Side Effects of RU-486
Side effects for RU-486 can include: abdominal pain (cramping), nausea, headache, vomiting, diarrhea, dizziness, fatigue, back pain, uterine hemorrhage (heavy bleeding), fever, viral infections, vaginitis, and rigors (chills/shaking).4 Danco Laboratories, the manufacturer of RU-486 in the U.S., provides a warning to health care providers who prescribe the drug: “Providers offering Mifeprex, should be aware that , as with other types of abortions, cases of serious bacterial infection, including very rare cases of fatal septic shock, have been reported following the use of Mifeprex.” 5
Side Effects of RU-486
Side effects for RU-486 can include: abdominal pain (cramping), nausea, headache, vomiting, diarrhea, dizziness, fatigue, back pain, uterine hemorrhage (heavy bleeding), fever, viral infections, vaginitis, and rigors (chills/shaking).4 Danco Laboratories, the manufacturer of RU-486 in the U.S., provides a warning to health care providers who prescribe the drug: “Providers offering Mifeprex, should be aware that , as with other types of abortions, cases of serious bacterial infection, including very rare cases of fatal septic shock, have been reported following the use of Mifeprex.” 5
What Abortion Industry Insiders Have To Say About RU-486:
Of course, like any drug, complications increase when a drug is not taken as directed by the manufacturer or your doctor, especially if the FDA has not approved it for such usage. Since RU-486 abortions have been approved for use in clinics across the country, the abortion industry has ignored FDA and manufacturer warnings regarding RU-486 and Cytotec, including prescribing variations from the recommended dosages, failure to use ultrasounds to determine fetal age, prescribing it to women who are too advanced in their pregnancies, failure to schedule follow-ups, sending the patient home with one or both drugs to take later rather than administered in the clinic.
Perhaps one of the most dangerous applications of the RU-486 and Prostaglandin combination are Telemed Abortions. The end goal of the abortion industry was to have a network of sites that would allow women to receive the pill via video phone calls from doctors across the country.
- “FDA approval letter for Mifepristone”. FDA. September 28, 2000. Archived from the original on 2006-08-29.
- Letter to the Editor, signed W. Wilson Downie, International Medical Operations, G.D. Searle, The Lancet, vol. 338:247 (July 27, 1991).
- “Full Revised Label – Cytotec”. R.G. Searle. April 17, 2002.
- FDA Mifeprex Medication Guide”.
- “Health Care Provider warning”. Danco Laboratories. July 19, 2005
Check out this episode of our Pro-Life America podcast, where we reveal the interesting, yet chilling, origins behind RU-486 and why the abortion industry pushes it. We also discuss how botched RU-486 abortions happen, and how the abortion industry uses it to squeeze out more money from clients.
Abortion Methods
& Complications
Learn about the most commonly used procedures
for each trimester of pregnancy and their risks.