“Abortion Distortion” – A New Animated Series From Life Dynamics!
In the past, the rhetorical battle between us and the pro-choice side has generally been one where they attack our position and we defend it. But now it’s time we turn the tables and make the other side defend the illogical, deceptive and immoral nature of their positions!


When Marla Cardamone died from a “safe and legal” abortion, Deborah Cardamone vowed to let the world know how a “safe and legal” abortion killed her daughter and just walked away… This heart-wrenching interview features some graphic images. Viewer discretion is advised.

Christi’s Choice, tells the heartbreaking story of 18-year-old Christi, who was left in a permanent vegetative state after her abortion. This sad story shows how abortion destroyed Christi’s life and that of her entire family.

Notorious abortionist Kermit Gosnell, was not an anomaly. The types of situations that happened with Gosnell are happening on a daily basis inside abortion clinics all across America. This video will give you a glimpse inside American abortion clinics.

The most reliable estimates are that fewer than one in five of all sexual assaults are ever reported; and when the stigma of abortion is involved that number is going to plummet even further. But now, one victim has the courage to speak out. We sat down with Janet Creller, a woman who, like thousands, was sexually assaulted inside one of America’s “safe and legal” abortion clinics.
Maafa 21: Black Genocide in 21st Century America
The battle for legal abortion in America had nothing to do with “reproductive choice,” “feminism,” or “women’s rights,” instead it was part of a dark plan that began when slavery in America ended.
An American Abortion Clinic
Notorious abortionist Kermit Gosnell, was not an anomaly. The types of situations that happened with Gosnell are happening on a daily basis inside abortion clinics all across America. This video will give you a glimpse inside American abortion clinics.

This real-life coverup is every parent’s worst nightmare. Our investigation uncovered irrefutable evidence that both Planned Parenthood & National Abortion Federation knowingly conceal the sexual exploitation of young girls while aiding and abetting the sexual predators.

Shortly after Life Dynamics exposed the abortion industry was selling baby body parts for profit in 2000, ABC’s 20/20 decided to investigate. This interview with Opening Lines founder, Miles Jones, is a clip of their television special. The comments by Jones reveal the abortion industry’s motive is purely profit.

The most reliable estimates are that fewer than one in five of all sexual assaults are ever reported; and when the stigma of abortion is involved that number is going to plummet even further. But now, one victim has the courage to speak out. We sat down with Janet Creller, a woman who, like thousands, was sexually assaulted inside one of America’s “safe and legal” abortion clinics.

Needless to say, reporting about women being raped and sexually assaulted is not easy or pleasant. And when the dynamics of abortion are added in, it becomes even more unsettling. Life Dynamics president, Mark Crutcher, and Renee Hobbs, sit down for a Q&A session about what it was like to work on this project and discuss the tricky balancing act between telling a highly offensive truth, and doing so in a non-offensive manner.

Notorious abortionist Kermit Gosnell, was not an anomaly. The types of situations that happened with Gosnell are happening on a daily basis inside abortion clinics all across America. This video will give you a glimpse inside American abortion clinics.
Abortion Truths

Since 1973, at least 55 million unborn children have been slaughtered in the womb in our nation. This video shows just how overwhelming these numbers are and demonstrates the magnitude of abortion in the United States.

This short and heart-breaking video gives a voice to that baby – gives a voice to the thousands of babies that are killed on a daily basis by abortion.

This stunning video exposes the REAL number one killer of blacks in America and demonstrate the magnitude of the number of lives taken.

This video is emotionally shocking, and it may be controversial, but in the end this is an important reminder of what this battle is all about…

The abortion industry’s refusal to comply with mandatory reporting laws is having profound, real-world consequences for the victims of child sexual abuse. This video shines a light on the fact that men who prey on young girls stand with Planned Parenthood.

This non-graphic educational video uses 3D animation to depict the two most common abortion procedures and explains their risks and complications.
Video at YourAbortion.com.

Notorious abortionist Kermit Gosnell, was not an anomaly. The types of situations that happened with Gosnell are happening on a daily basis inside abortion clinics all across America. This video will give you a glimpse inside American abortion clinics.