Photos show the reality of Abortion.
Abortion pictures change the discussion about abortion from concept to reality; and the reality is these images show what is happening to thousands of babies, every day, across the nation. These graphic pictures exist because the aborted babies in these photos were killed by abortionists who were paid to ‘terminate’ a pregnancy. Under the law, these babies have no right to life, and in America thousands are tortured, torn limb by limb, and chemically burned to death on a daily basis.
I heard that graphic abortion pictures are not real. They’re stillbirths and miscarriages.
To begin with, why would we need to use phony pictures when dead babies can be found in abortion clinic dumpsters?
More importantly, where would we get stillborn babies to photograph?
Stillborn babies are legally required to be sent to either a funeral home for embalming and then burial or cremation. Also, if those dead babies were stillborn and not aborted, where did all the wounds and torn-off body parts come from? Does anyone seriously believe that hospitals provide us with baby corpses which we then beat to a pulp, dismember, and photograph?
As for miscarriages, when they occur the medical standard of care is that the material is sent out for a pathology report. So why would a physician give it to the pro-life movement to photograph? Perhaps the pro-choice mob is implying that these photos come from women who have miscarriages at home. That could be. After all, when a woman loses her baby the first thing she probably thinks about is alerting the pro-life movement so we can rush over with our lights and cameras.
Of course, the real question is why the abortion lobby becomes so hysterical over these pictures.
If legal abortion is such a positive thing, not to mention a “fundamental constitutional right,” these photos should be found in every abortion clinic ad and on posters hanging in the offices of every pro-choice politician in America.
It is the ultimate in hypocrisy for these people to object when we show the bodies of the babies they killed, and we’re not the only ones who recognize this. In an article, Our Bodies, Our Souls, published in The New Republic magazine on October 16, 1995, the rabid pro-abort, Naomi Wolf, stated, “Those photographs are in fact photographs of actual D&Cs; those footprints are in fact the footprints of a 10-week-old fetus; the pro-life slogan, ‘Abortion stops a beating heart,’ is incontrovertibly true. While images of violent fetal death work magnificently for pro-lifers as political polemic, the pictures are not polemical in themselves: they are biological facts. …How can we charge that it is vile and repulsive for pro-lifers to brandish vile and repulsive images if the images are real? To insist that the truth is in poor taste is the height of hypocrisy.”
“Those photographs are in fact photographs of actual D&Cs; those footprints are in fact the footprints of a 10-week-old fetus; the pro-life slogan, ‘Abortion stops a beating heart,’ is incontrovertibly true. While images of violent fetal death work magnificently for pro-lifers as political polemic, the pictures are not polemical in themselves: they are biological facts. …How can we charge that it is vile and repulsive for pro-lifers to brandish vile and repulsive images if the images are real? To insist that the truth is in poor taste is the height of hypocrisy.”
Naomi Wolf
“Our Bodies, Our Souls” – New Republic magazine, October 16, 1995,
The pro-choice crowd throws a tantrum over these photographs for the same reason they panic over technology like 4-D and color ultrasound. Both expose realities which the abortion industry desperately needs to keep hidden. Ultrasound transforms the argument that unborn children are living human beings from a belief into an observable fact, and the graphic photos prove that abortion is the brutal murder of those children. For pro-aborts, that is a devastating one-two punch. They realize that when people see these images, the only way for them to support legalized abortion is to either deny what they are seeing with their own eyes, or harden their hearts to it.
Note: Some of the photos show the same baby but from different angles.
Special Thanks
(Thanks to:, Center for Bio-ethical Reform, Citizens for a Pro-Life Society, Missionaries to the Unborn, Operation Rescue, Priests for Life, Victory for the Unborn for the photos)
A Message From
The Unborn
This short and heart-breaking video gives a voice to the
thousands of babies that are killed on a daily basis by abortion.