The Methods & Complications of Abortion
The Instruments
Abortion Methods
Risks & Complications
The Instruments
There are a variety of tools used in the abortion procedure. Although each has its own purpose, many of them are used to create a large enough pathway so that other tools have room to remove the baby. The tools that create a pathway will not be described here, only the ones that do the actual killing or removing of the child will be described.
The Cannula
A hollow, plastic tube that is connected to a suction machine by a flexible hose – similar to a vacuum cleaner. In early-term abortions it is used to kill, tear apart, and suck the baby out of the mother’s uterus. In later-term abortions, where other techniques are used to kill the baby, it is simply used as a vacuum and to make sure that no parts of the baby are left behind.
The Curette
A metal rod that has a handle on one end and a sharp loop on the other. This instrument is used to scrape along the wall of the mother’s uterus and to dislodge the baby.
Syringe With Spinal Needle
A large syringe with a long needle attached to it, this instrument is used in two different ways. In some procedures it is used to drain off amniotic fluid from the mother’s uterus and replaces the fluid with either a saline or urea solution. The more common use, however, is for injecting chemical agents such as digoxin, potassium chloride, etc. into the heart of the baby. Either way, the chemicals serve two purposes: to greatly reduce the chance that the baby might be born alive, and to soften the baby’s corpse to make it easier to rip apart and/or remove.
Birth Control
& Chemical Abortion
Learn about chemical abortions and the relationship
between contraception (birth control) and abortion.
The Methods
Different abortion procedures are utilized depending on how far-along the pregnancy is.
Watch our non-graphic educational video to learn about the two most common surgical abortion procedures
Or look below to read through the procedures used during each trimester.
(The first trimester is up to 13 weeks of pregnancy, the second trimester is from 14 to 26 weeks of pregnancy, while the third and last trimester takes place from the 27th week of the pregnancy until the date of delivery.)
Birth Control
& Chemical Abortion
Learn about chemical abortions and the relationship
between contraception (birth control) and abortion.
Risks & Complications
This covers the most common injuries resulting from the suction curettage method and the dilation and evacuation (D&E) method.
Watch Now
What Abortion Industry Insiders Have To Say:
Women Betrayed
The abortion picture painted by pro-choice advocates, is that the U.S. Supreme Court and Justice Harry Blackmun’s Roe vs. Wade & Doe vs. Bolton decisions turned abortionists into professional, talented doctors and made abortions safe and legal.
This couldn’t be further from the truth and American women are being butchered because of it.
Click the buttons below to learn about three different women and their “safe and legal” abortions, or view the “pro-choice death list” to see a list containing only a tiny fraction of the women killed by their abortions.
Christi Stiles
Tonya Reaves
Marla Cardamone

The Pro-Choice Death List
Each of these women ended up on a steel coroner’s table as a result of their “safe and legal” abortion.