Twisting and Ignoring The Disturbing Truth of Infanticide

Every advancement in science and medicine, proves the undeniable fact that human life begins at the moment of fertilization. So if these politicians aren’t going to protect life from the very beginning, why should we expect any different when it comes to failed abortions and infanticide?

Politicians are already revving up their engines and hitting the campaign trail for the important 2020 Presidential election.

Recently, at a campaign rally, someone asked Elizabeth Warren, “How come babies that survive abortion can’t have healthcare?”, after she spoke about the universal healthcare issue. Her response? “Infanticide is illegal everywhere in America.”

Screenshot of the confrontation. No copyright infringement intended.

Warren’s response shouldn’t be shocking because it is a common response from abortion advocates.

Even though babies are born alive in abortion clinics and left to die, politicians like Warren refuse to take any action. It shouldn’t come as a surprise though, because these are the same politicians that take money from the abortion lobby.

Every advancement in science and medicine, proves the undeniable fact that human life begins at the moment of fertilization. So if these politicians aren’t going to protect life from the very beginning, why should we expect any different when it comes to failed abortions and infanticide?

In response to the Senate failing to pass the Born Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act, medical leaders and doctors responded by explaining that pregnancy isn’t a disease. The leaders of the American College of Pediatricians and the American Association of Pro-Life Obstetricians and Gynecologists wrote a letter, which was published in The Public Discourse, emphasizing that abortion doesn’t treat diseases and that they aren’t medically necessary to save mothers’ lives.

Despite science and medicine being on the pro-life side, politicians and abortion advocates will continue to ignore and distort the truth about abortion.

Could we really expect anything else from those who support the killing of millions of babies all in the name of “choice”?
For more on these topics, check out this episode of Life Talk!

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