We have brought back our pro-life newsletter

Some time ago, Life Dynamics stopped publishing our printed newsletter, but we have decided to bring it back. We are committed to making it the most informative publication in the pro-life movement.

Some time ago, Life Dynamics stopped publishing our printed newsletter in the belief that everything was going electronic. The responses we received from our supporters made it clear that this was a mistake. Apparently, the printed word is not dead yet and there is still a demand for this form of communication.

So we have decided to bring back our pro-life newsletter.

It will be coming out every other month and our commitment is to do everything possible to make it the most informative publication in the pro-life movement.

Life Dynamics Pro-Life Newsletter

We hope that those who follow us on social media and our blog will sign up to receive the printed version by mail, or the electronic PDF to be delivered by e-mail. We are also asking you to contact all your pro-life friends and get them to sign up for the newsletter, as well as subscribe to LifeTalk and our e-mail alerts.

For those who are just now hearing about LifeTalk or it has been a while since they watched the show, LifeTalk can now be watched online or you can still get it every month on DVD. Better yet, whether it’s online or on DVD, LifeTalk is now FREE – just like the newsletter. (We assume you agree that free is good.)


Copyright / Permissions:

In the past, we’ve had many people call us wanting copyright permission to republish things they read in our newsletter.

Everything Life Dynamics puts out is for the pro-life movement to use. If you want to reproduce something you find in one of our newsletters – whether it’s a whole article or even the entire newsletter- the only thing we ask is that you give the appropriate credit and, if possible, link to where it came from.


The newsletter has been replaced by “The Pro-Life Voice.” To learn more and sign up for the Pro-Live Voice, click the link below.


  1. Earlene Meyer says:

    I love lifedynamics. You have done so much toward this victory for life. I have been in the pro-life trenches since the 1970’s and I feel encourage by the information I receive from you publications and film productions. Earlene

  2. Ed Brophy says:

    “Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move,
    fall like a thunderbolt.” ~ Sun Tzu, The Art of War

  3. Eric Robbins says:


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