Cracks of baby skull heard in Planned Parenthood vid where doc says babies are sometimes delivered before abortion

In a video released by a pro-life group you can hear a medical assistant in a Planned Parenthood path lab crack the skull of a baby after the abortion.

In a 4th video released by a pro-life group exposing Planned Parenthood’s baby parts operation you can hear a medical assistant in their path lab crack the skull of a baby after the abortion.

The undercover footage was taken inside Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains (PPRM) where Vice President and Medical Director, Dr. Savita Ginde, is seen negotiating a fetal body parts deal with “buyers” from the Center for Medical Progress (CMP).


In the video, actors posing as representatives from a human biologics company meet with Ginde at the abortion-clinic headquarters of PPRM in Denver to discuss a potential partnership to harvest fetal organs.

When the actors request intact fetal specimens, Ginde reveals that in PPRM’s abortion practice, “Sometimes, if we get, if someone delivers before we get to see them for a procedure, then we are intact.”

Delivers before abortion Planned Parenthood

Since PPRM does not use digoxin or other feticide in its 2nd trimester procedures, any intact deliveries before an abortion are potentially born-alive infants under federal law (1 USC 8), CMP points out.

Life Dynamics made that same observation when they interviewed three former employees from a Houston abortion clinic.


The women told president Mark Crutcher that they witnessed babies born alive from abortions.

"We had several occasions where women would come in and they would actually be going labor because that overnight insertion of the (laminaria) package. He might have gone a little bit too far with putting

“After interviewing the three Houston employees as well as other information Life Dynamics’ has obtained from inside the abortion industry it seemed apparent to us for a variety of reasons these people are intentionally producing intact babies, many which emerge alive and are then killed. And in this case, it appears they are killed, chopped up for parts and sold for additional profit,” Crutcher said.

In the latest Planned Parenthood video, the buyers ask Dr. Ginde about getting “intact specimens” and she points out that the abortion business does a lot of procedures on babies in the second trimester (17 to 18 weeks) using the D+E procedure where parts are big enough to remove by hand.

She said that in those babies the abortionist can sometimes see the whole brain come out.

Brain come out Planned Parenthood

Ginde then implies that Planned Parenthood is modify the abortion procedure so buyers will get “specimens” intact and guarantee the abortionists does do not “crush” fetal organs.

“We’d have to do a little bit of training with the providers or something to make sure that they don’t crush” fetal organs during 2nd trimester abortions, says Ginde, brainstorming ways to ensure the abortion doctors at PPRM provide usable fetal organs.

Change abortion procedure baseline Planned Parenthood

Ginde seems cautious about proceeding with the operation until she sets up a system where everyone is on the same page and will say the same thing so they do not get “caught”

The Planned Parenthood abortionist says that in some “anti states” they could be accused of “selling aborted baby parts.”

She said the remedy for this would be to put it under ‘research, so “If you have someone in a really anti state who’s going to be doing this for you, they’re probably going to get caught.

The sale or purchase of human fetal tissue is a federal felony punishable by up to 10 years in prison or a fine of up to $500,000 (42 U.S.C. 289g-2). Federal law also requires that no alteration in the timing or method of abortion be done for the purposes of fetal tissue collection (42 U.S.C. 289g-1).


The buyers are then taken to Planned Parenthood’s pathological laboratory, where they initially hear a “cracking sound.”

They confirm with the abortionist that what they heard was the cracking of the unborn’ child’s skull.

The buyers suggest that they would want to pay Planned Parenthood per organ rather than a flat fee.

They identify aborted baby livers, stomach and hearts as the abortion doctor picks through the remains with her tweezers.

Standing over an aborted fetus, Ginde responds to the buyer’s suggestion of paying per body part harvested, rather than a standard flat fee for the entire case: “I think a per-item thing works a little better, just because we can see how much we can get out of it.

Savita Ginde per item PLanned Parenthood

As the buyers and Planned Parenthood workers identify body parts from last fetus in the path lab, a Planned Parenthood medical assistant announces: “Another boy!”

Be warned: the video is graphic and may be disturbing for some viewers.

CMP Project Lead David Daleiden has called for a moratorium on funding of Planned Parenthood as well as an investigation to determine if they are violating the law and selling the baby parts.

Elected officials need to listen to the public outcry for an immediate moratorium on Planned Parenthood’s taxpayer funding while the 10 state investigations and 3 Congressional committees determine the full extent of Planned Parenthood’s sale of baby parts,” he said.

Interestingly, Planned Parenthood appears to have been concerned for a while that they will be exposed for trafficking in human baby body parts.

That was emphasized by their VP and Medical Director in the video where Ginde points to a conversation she had with the organization’s attorney, Kevin Paul, “He’s got it figured out that he knows that even if, because we talked to him in the beginning, you know, we were like, ‘We don’t want to get called on,’ you know, ‘selling fetal parts across states,’” adding “I’m confident that our Legal will make sure we’re not put in that situation.”

Kevin Paul

Kevin Paul, attorney for Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains, recently opposed a fetal homicide bill introduced in Colorado after a pregnant woman’s unborn child was cut from her womb.

“We take the position and have consistently done so that attempting to separate a pregnancy from a woman who carries it for purposes of criminal law or any other is not a good idea. It’s the rights of a woman who carries the pregnancy, we have concerns about protecting,” he said.

Tweet: #PPSellsBabyParts


  1. I am completely appalled and sickened by what I just seen and heard. I felt sick to my stomach. These people are truly evil and soulless. How do these people sleep at night? They are cold blooded killers, Murdering innocent babies. Shame on them. But someday they will have to face God for what they’ve done, as we all will. May God have mercy on them.

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