Flier details Girl Scouts connection to abortion advocacy

A group, which seeks to educate the public about the connections the Girl Scouts have to abortion advocacy, has developed a flier which pro-lifers can hand to troops who solicit them for Girl Scout cookies. MyGirlScoutCouncil.com states that their goal is to provide documentation of Girl Scout concerns that directly impact those seeking information, “Each…

Affordable Health Care Act is Abortion Bailout Fund as predicted by pro-life leaders

In the most recent episode of Life Talk TV, host Mark Crutcher tells the panel that in a new GAO report has revealed that there is a 95 to 100% chance that if you have health care under ObamaCare you will pay for abortions. “The Obama administration knew this all along,” Crutcher says on the…

National pro-life TV talk show now available online

National pro-life TV talk show now available online

December 12, 2013FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE “Life Talk is one of the most valuable resources in the pro-life movement.“ ~ Fr. Frank Pavone, national director of Priests for Life. Today, Life Dynamics, Inc., a national pro-life organization located in Denton, Texas, has announced that their national pro-life talk show, Life Talk, is now available online. According…