Life Talk: Pro-life News and Talk for January 2015

On this month’s Life Talk show, Dana Cody of Life Legal Defense Foundation and Pastor Stephen Broden joins Mark Crutcher and Troy Newman to start the new year. Mark and the Life Talk TV panel begin by discussing ObamaCare architect, Jonathan Gruber’s eugenics statements. Carol Tobias of National Right to Life speak with the hosts…

On this month’s Life Talk show, Dana Cody of Life Legal Defense Foundation and Pastor Stephen Broden joins Mark Crutcher and Troy Newman to start the new year.

Mark and the Life Talk TV panel begin by discussing ObamaCare architect, Jonathan Gruber’s eugenics statements.

Carol Tobias Life Talk January 2015

Carol Tobias of National Right to Life speak with the hosts about an imposter claiming to be collecting donations for the “right to life committee.”

In place of Alan, this month’s Life Talk News is presented by Belynda Lane.

In yet another case of pro-choice violence, a 22-year-old New York man has been convicted of second-degree murder and tampering with physical evidence in the murder of a 14-year-old girl. According to authorities, Christian Ferdinand began a sexual relationship with his victim after meeting her on Facebook. Police say that when she told him she was pregnant, he became angry because she refused to have an abortion. Ferdinand then placed a pillow over the victim’s face until the she stopped moving. Afterward, he put her body in a suitcase and attempted to burn it on a Brooklyn beach. During an autopsy, it was revealed that the victim was not pregnant.

(Note: Read our Under the Radar Report for more on how men force women to submit to abortion)

A Maryland woman is suing UPS after the parcel delivery company ordered her to take an unpaid leave of absence when she became pregnant. Peggy Young sued, saying that UPS violated the federal Pregnancy Discrimination Act of 1978 and failed to treat her the way it treated other employees. Clarke Forsythe, senior counsel for Americans United for Life said the Pregnancy Discrimination Act was a response to the legalization of abortion, which resulted in pressure from employers that women abort their unborn children. In an ironic twist, the case, which is being heard before the United States Supreme Court, has garnered support from both pro-life as well as pro-abortion advocates. Amicus briefs have been not only been submitted by the pro-abortion ACLU and NOW Legal Defense and Education Fund but also by Americans United For Life and 22 other pro-life organizations.

In a similar case, a federal jury in California has awarded nearly $186 million to a San Diego area woman who said that she was demoted and fired after being told pregnant women can’t do the job of managing a store. According to the complaint, 43-year-old Rosario Juarez was hired by AutoZone and eventually promoted to store manager. The complaint said that when Juarez became pregnant, the company’s district manager told her she could not handle the demands of the job and urged her to return to parts sales throughout her pregnancy. After her son was born, Juarez was demoted, given a pay cut and later fired. In a unanimous decision, the jury ruled that the harassment against Juarez was severe and pervasive and that she had been discriminated against because of her pregnancy.

The Virginia Department of Health has voted to amend licensing rules for abortion facilities to make it easier for them to stay in business even though they cannot meet the state’s health and safety requirements. The move appears to be payback to the abortion lobby which gave millions to the campaign of the state’s Governor, Terry McAuliffe. During previous inspections by public health officials, more than 400 health and safety violations were uncovered at Virginia’s 18 abortion centers, including bloody and unsterilized equipment, untrained staffs, violations of parental consent laws, and more. Despite this, McAuliffe appointed Marissa Levin, a transgendered supporter of unrestricted abortion to the post of State Health Commissioner, who suggested that the rules for abortion clinics be relaxed.

Patel no longer practicing3

In Oklahoma, Attorney General Scott Pruitt has charged 62-year-old abortionist, Nareshkumar Patel, with three counts of fraud after he was caught prescribing abortion-inducing drugs to women who were not pregnant. Patel operated the Outpatient Services for Women abortion clinic in Oklahoma City where authorities say he obtained money from his patients under false pretense by selling them unnecessary medical treatments. The Attorney General’s office began investigating Patel following a complaint that he had performed an abortion on a woman who later died from complications of cervical cancer. The woman’s autopsy determined that she had not been pregnant at the time of the abortion. Patel has had numerous charges leveled against him over the years, including the illegal disposal of fetal remains and sexual battery.


A Kansas abortionist whose license was revoked by the state’s medical board, is seeking to get her license back after a Shawnee County Judge set aside the Board’s 2012 revocation order. According to Operation Rescue which filed the original complaint against abortionist Kristin Neuhaus, her license was revoked after the state reviewed records belonging to patients who obtained abortions from the now deceased George Tiller. At that time, Neuhaus was providing the second opinion required under Kansas law for late-term abortions. In the original revocation order, a judge ruled that Neuhaus was providing inadequate mental health examinations to back up the evaluations she was making of Tiller’s customers. In the current review, Board Disciplinary Attorney, Reece Hays, suggested that Neuhaus’ license be permanently revoked. The case has been taken under advisement with a decision expected sometime next year.

UPDATE: Since we taped the show, The Kansas Board of Healing Arts has again revoked the license of abortionist Ann Kristin Neuhaus.


In Cuyahoga Country, Ohio, late term abortionist Martin Ruddock is being sued by a woman who says he started a second-trimester abortion on her and refused to stop when she changed her mind. The woman said Ruddock told her that once he inserted laminaria to dilate her cervix, she could not change her mind because stopping the abortion would result in the baby being born mentally retarded. However, the woman went to another physician who removed the laminaria and she has since given birth to a healthy boy. When the lawsuit became public, pro-lifers discovered that Ruddock not only lied to the woman but he failed to comply with the 24-hour waiting period required by state law. Since this incident, Ruddock has shut down his Ohio facility and set up shop in Michigan. An Ohio Court of Appeals has ruled that the woman’s lawsuit can go forward.


Charges against an Illinois abortionist for failing to properly report an abortion could be dismissed in a year if he follows a pre-trial diversion agreement. Ulrich Klopfer, who at one time ran several abortion clinics, was accused of violating state law after he waited too long to report an abortion he performed on a 13-year-old child. A spokesperson for the St. Joseph County Prosecutor’s office said that their office entered into a pre-trial agreement with Klopfer because he did not have a criminal background. As a result, Klopfer must pay $330 in fees and other costs and perform 24 hours of community service. Klopfer’s is currently due back in court to answer similar charges in another county and his license to practice in Indiana is under review by the state’s Medical Licensing Board.

In New Mexico, when pro-life activist Martha Beasley learned that the Whole Women’s Health chain of abortion clinics was about to open a facility in Las Cruces, she filed a Freedom of Information Act request for more details. She also found posts on Facebook in which Whole Women’s admitted it already had opened for business ten days before it even applied for a permit. Meanwhile, the Thomas More Society, which represented the pro-lifers in obtaining the FOIA request, discovered troubling emails between an employee of Whole Woman’s Health and the City Police Department. In those documents, Mary Frank, Project Manager of Whole Woman’s Health, tells the police they will be opening their first clinic and that she hoped –”– it will stay under the radar for now – “. In previous editions of LifeTalk News, we have reported on numerous violations of health and safety codes by Whole Women’s facilities in Texas.

Finally, the latest abortion stats have been released by the Center for Disease Control and they show that Blacks and Hispanics continue to be disproportionately targeted. The report reveals that although Blacks and Hispanics comprise about 28 percent of the population they accounted for almost 60 percent of the abortions done in the U.S. with New York, Georgia and Mississippi being at the top of the list. In New York City alone, 78 percent of the babies aborted were being carried by Black or Hispanic mothers.

Watch the current Life Talk show here.

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