Episode 28 | The Elections & Overturning Roe vs Wade

Episode 28 | The Elections & Overturning Roe vs Wade

Episode Synopsis: As the elections get closer, it’s important that pro-lifers understand that simply overturning Roe might not end legalized abortion. Plus, we explain how the Black vote will play a huge role in the 2020 election and the tremendous opportunity the pro-life movement has right now. Episode Duration: 34 min In This Episode We…

Episode 26 | The Ginsburg Meltdown

Episode 26 | The Ginsburg Meltdown

Episode Synopsis: The death of Ginsburg has the left in meltdown mode over abortion and Ginsburg’s potential replacement. We discuss who the left should really be mad at, the escalating cultural civil war, the connection between culture and politics, and how some Christians and pro-lifers seem to be sanctifying Ginsburg. Episode Duration: 34 min In…

Episode 25 | Why Aren’t More Abortionists Being Sued?

Episode 25 | Why Aren’t More Abortionists Being Sued?

Episode Synopsis: Listener Allan D. asks “why more abortionists aren’t being sued?” We explain how Tort reform has not only impacted abortion injury cases, but the abortion battle as a whole. We also reveal the abortion industry’s disgusting default defense in court and why abortion injuries are commonplace. Episode Duration: 29 min In This Episode…

Episode 24: Busted! Abortion Industry Racist!

Episode 24: Busted! Abortion Industry Racist!

Episode Synopsis: In the wake of Black Lives Matter, former employees of Planned Parenthood, NARAL, and other pro-choice organizations have come forward and stated that they witnessed overt and widespread racism inside these groups. We discuss the tell-all article from BuzzFeed about what employees have seen and experienced and why we are calling for a…

Episode 22: Adoption- The Real Story

Episode 22: Adoption- The Real Story

Episode Synopsis: This week we are talking about adoption. We discuss the lies and myths about adoption touted by abortion supporters, the uncomfortable truth that adoption isn’t the solution to abortion (and why), and Mark’s solution to the “unwanted baby” problem the pro-choice side is always talking about. This week’s special guest is none other…

Episode 20: Deceptions, Double Standards, and Denials

Episode 20: Deceptions, Double Standards, and Denials

Episode Synopsis: This week, we debunk the claim often regurgitated by the pro-choice side, that pro-lifers don’t care about babies after they’re born. Plus, we discuss the latest news like pro-lifers being arrested for writing “Black Pre-Born Lives Matter” in chalk and how Joe Biden was denied communion. Episode Duration: 24 min In This Episode…

Episode 19: The Abortion Industry Harbors Pedophiles and Sex Traffickers

Episode 19: The Abortion Industry Harbors Pedophiles and Sex Traffickers

Episode Synopsis: Listener Madi K. requested that we talk about sex trafficking and Planned Parenthood. So this week we discuss how Planned Parenthood and the National Abortion Federation are running a nationwide pedophile protection racket. We listen to clips from our undercover investigation where our caller portrayed a 13-year-old girl who was pregnant by her…