Episode 18: Uncomfortable Truths About Sex Education

Episode Synopsis: We put sex education programs under a microscope and discuss the results of the different sex education approaches, what kids are really being taught, and how, for Planned Parenthood, setting foot inside classrooms for sex education is just the first step towards their real goal. This episode proves that that no parent, adult,…

Episode Synopsis:

We put sex education programs under a microscope and discuss the results of the different sex education approaches, what kids are really being taught, and how, for Planned Parenthood, setting foot inside classrooms for sex education is just the first step towards their real goal. This episode proves that that no parent, adult, or school system should allow Planned Parenthood to come within 5 feet of any child or teen.

*Notice: We have made every attempt possible to make this episode appropriate for most audiences. However, listener discretion is advised.

Episode Duration: 28 min

In This Episode We Discuss:
  1. Greetings (00:24)
  2. We love your questions! (00:31)
  3. Listener Nancy S. Asks that we talk about abstinence and why we are not talking about it more. (1:02)
  4. “The Double Standard” & the origins of sex education. (1:23)
  5. A scenario… (5:34)
  6. The result of contraception based, value-neutral sex education and the origins of comprehensive sex-education (8:46)
  7. Inspiration for “Operation Watchdog” (13:30)
  8. What kids are being taught about Teen Pregnancy (22:03)
  9. Sex Education is just the first step… (23:11)
  10. Subverting parents. (25:02)
  11. Closing Statements (25:49)
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