Pro-life Blacks protest outside NAACP using Confederate Flag and abortion victims

Black leaders protested outside the NAACP conference in Philadelphia decrying the group’s refusal to speak out against abortion which kills a majority of Blacks. Rev. Clenard Childress, Jr. director of the largest Black pro-life organization the country, LEARN, told Life Dynamics that his “All Black Life” project visited the NAACP convention for days with a…

More Planned Parenthood vids coming as HHS grants them millions of dollars

The lead investigator who exposed Planned Parenthood for harvesting aborted baby body parts has said he will unveil more tapes as millions in tax dollars are granted to PP from HHS for a teen pregnancy pregnancy. Earlier this week, the Center for Medical Progress (CMP) unveiled a shocking three year undercover investigation into Planned Parenthood’s…

Abortionist at center of Planned Parenthood sting is a UW-Mad Grad

The Planned Parenthood abortionist who was caught on video describing the way they harvest organs from aborted babies is a graduate of a University which promotes fetal tissue research. Earlier this week, The Center for Medical Progress released an undercover video revealing that Planned Parenthood affiliates across the nation are in the business of extracting…

4th Ambulance called to abortion clinic mentioned in Planned Parenthood video

Pro-lifers are reporting that an ambulance was called to the notorious Family Planning Associates abortion clinic in California. Yesterday, pro-lifer Terri Palmquist was outside FPA Women’s Health abortion clinic in Bakersfield, California and documented what took place. Palmquist who runs Lifesavers Ministries with her husband Tim, said there have been 4 ambulance transports at that…

Boehner calls for Planned Parenthood investigation asks HHS which gave millions to PP to stop gruesome practices

Speaker of the House John Boehner is calling for congressional hearings into the practices of Planned Parenthood calling for the head of HHS which gave PP millions to put a stop their gruesome practices. “Nothing is more precious than life, especially an unborn child. When anyone diminishes an unborn child, we are all hurt, irreversibly…

Aborted baby body parts described as “humanitarian undertakings” as House leader calls for investigation

The PR Firm which is sending releases to the media on behalf of Planned Parenthood has described their grisly aborted baby body parts operation as “humanitarian undertakings” while a GOP House leader calls for an investigation. The Weekly Standard was first to pick up the horrific language posting it to their website and writing: “Aborted…

Texas Governor orders investigation of Planned Parenthood after ghoulish baby body parts vid surfaces

The Governor of Texas has ordered an investigation into Planned Parenthood after an under cover video showing them selling aborted baby body parts went viral yesterday. The shocking three year undercover investigation, dubbed the “Human Capital” project, was conducted by the The Center for Medical Progress (CMP) and directed by CMP project lead David Daleiden….

Presidential hopeful Carly Fiorina calls Planned Parenthood baby body part sales outrageous

2016 presidential hopeful and the only GOP female contender in the race, Carly Fiorina, has spoken out against Planned Parenthood selling aborted baby parts. In post on her Facebook page, Fiorina writes, “I am proudly pro-life. I believe that every human life has potential and that every human life is precious. This latest news is…

Police officer demands pregnant girlfriend has abortion now under investigation after her death

A Texas police officer is under investigation after his pregnant girlfriend, whom he insisted get an abortion, was found dead. According to reports, the dead woman had messages from Austin police officer VonTrey Clark demanding that she have an abortion, because “his life would be ruined and he will lose his family” if she had…