Saying abortion is 3% of what Planned Parenthood does is like saying lynching was small percent of Klan activities
Dispelling Planned Parenthood’s claim that abortion is only 3% of the services it offers.
Dispelling Planned Parenthood’s claim that abortion is only 3% of the services it offers.
As Center for Medical Progress videos showing Planned Parenthood’s gruesome baby parts harvesting operation make their way into the homes of many Americans, the abortion biz is regurgitating an old myth, that abortion is a small percent of what Planned Parenthood does.

In 2013, Planned Parenthood reported performing 327,653 abortions.
In 2012, they reported 327,166 abortions and in 2011, they admitted to killing 333,964 unborn children through abortion.
A few years ago, Life Dynamics president, Mark Crutcher, addressed Planned Parenthood’s claim that abortion is only 3% of what they do.
“Do you find it strange that whenever someone correctly points out that Planned Parenthood is the nation’s number one abortion profiteer, Planned Parenthood enthusiasts tie themselves up in knots trying to sell the lie that abortion is only 3 percent of what they do?” Crutcher asked in a video posted to YouTube.
“Of course, this is like defending the Ku Klux Klan by claiming that lynching is only 3 percent of what they do, but I’ll leave that issue for another time. After all, I don’t want the Klan to come after me for comparing them to Planned Parenthood,” he states in his video message.
Crutcher points out that when there is even the most innocuous legislation proposed that might have the effect of reducing the abortion rate even a tiny amount, Planned Parenthood will oppose it claiming that restricting abortion will shut down all their clinics.

Cruther asked that if abortions are only a small percent of what Planned Parenthood does, why would Planned Parenthood say they will have to close down their clinics if abortion is restricted?
“The only plausible answer is baby killing is a lot more than 3 percent of their profit. And that’s the reality. The bottom line is that this is just one more pro-choice lie. These people know exactly how barbaric abortion is, and they are desperate to do whatever they can to advocate it without being linked to it. And that’s another reason why they are losing this battle,” he stated.
SFL research found that 79% of Planned Parenthood centers are located within 5 miles of a college campus.
According to the pro-life group, Students for Life (SFL), “Planned Parenthood preys off young girls in crisis, locating right near our high schools and college campuses, telling them abortion is their only real option in their moment of desperation,” the largest pro-life student organization says on their website.

Students for Life used Planned Parenthood’s 2013 annual report and noted the following:
- Planned Parenthood facilities performed 327,653 abortions. (This means they committed 897 abortions every single day.)
- 94% of Planned Parenthood’s pregnancy services were abortions.
- Planned Parenthood received $528.4 million in U.S. taxpayer funding, making up 46% of their annual revenue.
Since 2009:
- Planned Parenthood’s contraceptive services have dropped by 7%, and their cancer screening and prevention services have dropped by 50%.
- Planned Parenthood has performed over 1.9 million abortions.
- And their U.S. taxpayer funding has increased by 46%.
The video below, produced by SFL, dispels Planned Parenthood’s myth further using the abortion giant’s 2012 annual report.
Research from Rita Dillar, national director of American Life League’s Stop Planned Parenthood Project, showed that Planned Parenthood, which wants to normalize abortion, committed 31.6 percent of all abortions in the United States in 2011.
In other words, she says, Planned Parenthood committed one out of every three abortions in the United States in 2011.
Diller didn’t just look at 2011 she compared abortion figures based on the Guttmacher report entitled “Abortion Incidence and Service Availability in the United States, 2011,” and Planned Parenthood’s annual reports, showing Planned Parenthood’s ever-increasing share of the U.S. abortion market and found the following:
- Planned Parenthood committed 31.6% of abortions nationwide in 2011.
- Planned Parenthood committed 23.3% of abortions nationwide in 2006.
- Planned Parenthood committed 16.5% of abortions nationwide in 2001.
- Planned Parenthood committed 11.3% of abortions nationwide in 1996.
- Planned Parenthood committed 8.5% of abortions nationwide in 1991.
- Planned Parenthood committed 6.2% of abortions nationwide in 1986.
(Additional abortion totals by year from Planned Parenthood are available here.)
Writing for Breitbart, Austin Ruse, who heads the Center for Family and Human Rights (C-Fam) , called Planned Parenthood’s 3% claim an enormousness lie.
“It is fairly easy to look behind the claim, however, and do it using “the organization’s own data.” Ruse writes.
“Planned Parenthood arrives at this percentage by dividing 330,000 annual abortions into 11,000,000 annual “services.” All “services” are therefore equal…and abortion is the most expensive service Planned Parenthood provides,” he adds.
Rich Lowry editor of National Review, called Planned Parenthood’s claim the “3% dodge.”
“The 3 percent figure is an artifice and a dodge, but even taking it on its own terms, it’s not much of a defense. Only Planned Parenthood would think saying that they only kill babies 3 percent of the time is something to brag about. How much credit would we give someone for saying he only drives drunk 3 percent of the time, or only cheats on business trips 3 percent of the time, or only hits his wife during 3 percent of domestic disputes?” Lowry says.
Adding: By its own accounting in its 2013–2014 annual report, it provides about as many abortions as Pap tests (380,000).
The group does more breast exams and provides more breast-care services (490,000), but not by that much.
The 3 percent figure is an artifice and a dodge, but even taking it on its own terms, it’s not much of a defense.
The 3 percent figure is derived by counting abortion as just another service like much less consequential services. So abortion is considered a service no different than a pregnancy test (1.1 million), even though a box with two pregnancy tests can be procured from the local drugstore for less than $10.
By Planned Parenthood’s math, a woman who gets an abortion but also a pregnancy test, an STD test, and some contraceptives has received four services, and only 25 percent of them are abortion. This is a little like performing an abortion and giving a woman an aspirin, and saying only half of what you do is abortion.
While all this seems great if you are pro-life, the claim has also been criticized by an abortion leaning online media outlet.
The information was discovered by pro-life blogger and National Campaign Chair of the Susan B Anthony List, Jill Stanek, who tweeted this:

A 2013 article , published in Slate Magazine, not known for being pro-life on abortion, called Planned Parenthood’s claim that abortion is 3% of all it’s services, “the most meaning abortion stat ever.”

From the report:
“Amanda, it’s been so long since I’ve seen a reference to the claim that abortions make up only 3 percent of the services that Planned Parenthood provides that I thought maybe they’d stopped trying. It might not be a technically incorrect number, but it is meaningless—to the point of being downright silly— for several reasons. Not the least of which being that Planned Parenthood “unbundles” all of its services so that a pack of pills, an STD test and an exam are three separate services.”
The Slate article continues:
“It’s impossible to know how much money Planned Parenthood brings in for abortion. Because as specific as the annual report is about the number of services it provides, it’s far less detailed when talking about where its revenue comes from (They are within their rights, so whatever). But it’s easy to calculate, as the Weekly Standard did, that Planned Parenthood gets at least a third of its clinic income—and more than 10 percent of all its revenue, government funding included—from its abortion procedures.”
Ask anyone who runs a for-profit business or nonprofit charity if something that brings in one-third of their revenue is “central” to their endeavor, and the answer is likely to be yes. So yes, abortion is central to what Planned Parenthood does.
Thank you american prolife moverment for exposing planned parenthood, because if you don’t do it, nobody would.I have posted this article on my blog.