Free, effective, digital resources for pro-lifers like you.
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The Force Form
You can help a woman who is being forced to have an abortion with the Life Dynamics Force Form. This FREE form, when used correctly, legally documents that any abortion done on the client, regardless of what she says at the clinic, would be against her will. Clinics know that if they receive this signed document and decide to do an abortion anyway, they could be faced with civil suits – and sometimes criminal charges. This form makes a pregnant woman almost “radioactive” to clinics in the area.
The Sanger Files
Learn more about Margaret Sanger: the alcoholic and Demerol addict, who spawned the International Planned Parenthood Federation. Read her writings and the actual newsletters from the American Birth Control League – published from from 1917 until 1940.

The Pact
A Letter To The Pro-Life Movement
It’s easy for those of us in the pro-life community to become discouraged. After all these years and despite all our efforts, thousands of unborn babies are still being killed daily. It’s understandable that we sometimes wonder what we’ve really accomplished or if we can even win. This booklet shows the amazing – but overlooked – things that you and the pro-life movement have achieved. It only takes a few minutes to read and you will come away with a fresh perspective on this struggle and your role in it.
Physical copies of this tract can also be purchased from Priests For Life. Click here to be directed to their website.
Abortion Distortion Series Transcripts
In 2023, Life Dynamics introduced “Abortion Distortion,” a collection of 30-60 second videos that push the no compromises, no exceptions, and no apologies pro-life position, while forcing the other side to defend the illogical, deceptive and immoral nature of their positions! Interested saving and using these responses? Download the scripts from every “Abortion Distortion” video, including those yet to be released, below.

Baby Parts For Sale
In 2000, Life Dynamics first exposed the marketing of body parts harvested from babies killed by elective abortions. Abortion industry insiders, wanting to financially profit on the growing market for fetal tissue and body parts (for medical research and certain other legitimate purposes), have devised a scheme to circumvent laws making it illegal to buy or sell human bodies or body parts. As this report will prove, the result is that the corpses of children killed by elective abortion are now marketed like old car parts salvaged from the local junkyard.
Child Predators
For several years, Life Dynamics investigated America’s epidemic of teen pregnancy. What we found is that this is not the result of children having sex with children. It is being driven by adult males sexually exploiting young girls. Our investigation has uncovered irrefutable evidence that both Planned Parenthood and the National Abortion Federation – often operating on taxpayer dollars – knowingly conceal these crimes while aiding and abetting the sexual predators who commit them. The abortion industry’s refusal to comply with mandatory reporting laws is having profound, real-world consequences for the victims of child sexual abuse.

Under The Radar Violence
Not all of the abortion-related violence inflicted on American women is committed by their abortionists. Women are often brutally attacked for refusing to have abortions. Naturally, the abortion lobby’s control of the media means that this information seldom sees the light of day. Like those women killed at the clinics, both the abortion lobby and the media understand how crucial it is for these victims to die unnoticed. Read the report to see documented case studies of these instances.
The Racial Targeting Report
In our documentary film Maafa 21, it shows that terms like “population control” and “family planning” are code words for a genocidal effort aimed at minorities – primarily African-Americans. Among the many revelations documented in this film is that, as far back as the mid 1900s, some well-known eugenicists were arguing that the most effective way they could advance their agenda would be to concentrate population control facilities within the targeted communities.
Our mission with the Racial Targeting Report, was to document whether the abortion industry has targeted black and/or Hispanic communities by placing facilities in areas where those minority populations are disproportionately represented. As the Racial Targeting Report shows, when it comes to racial targeting, these people are not amateurs…

Project Choice
In 1993, Life Dynamics conducted the first-ever undercover survey of America’s abortionists – documenting their lifestyle and experiences. Get an unfiltered and never before seen look at the lives of America’s abortionists!