Third state revokes Planned Parenthood Medicaid contract after baby parts harvesting vids emerged

A third state has terminated the Medicaid contract they held with Planned Parenthood following videos exposing their baby parts operation.

A third state has terminated the Medicaid contract they held with Planned Parenthood following videos exposing their baby parts operation.

Earlier this week, New Hampshire’s Executive Council voted, 3 to 2, to reject contracts that would have provided Planned Parenthood centers in the state with about $638,000 over two years, roughly one-third of the public funding for the centers, which is primarily federal.

A report from WMUR reads in part:

    “You can’t divorce what’s going on nationally from Planned Parenthood of Northern New England and we need a real investigation,” said GOP Councilor David Wheeler.

    Republican councilor Chris Sununu who previously voted to support Planned Parenthood contracts said that he is pro-choice on abortion but he received more than 1,000 messages from constituents who overwhelmingly urged him to reject the contract.

    Chris Sununu
    Screenshot of an interview with councilor Chris Sununu

    Things are different now. We have to take a step back and just take a pause and say ‘Is this a company and a business that we should be actively engaging (with)?'” he asked.

    Louisiana pulls funding

    Also pulling funding was Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal who announced that his state cut off Planned Parenthood from Medicaid funding August 3rd.

    According to the announcement, the Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals informed Planned Parenthood it was exercising its right to terminate Planned Parenthood’s Medicaid provider agreement, the press release stated.

    Governor Jindal said that, because of the videos, he directed DHH to investigate Planned Parenthood’s activities in Louisiana and also sent a letter to both the Louisiana Inspector General and the F.B.I. asking them to assist in the investigation.

    “In recent weeks, it has been shocking to see reports of the alleged activities taking place at Planned Parenthood facilities across the country. Planned Parenthood does not represent the values of the people of Louisiana and shows a fundamental disrespect for human life. It has become clear that this is not an organization that is worthy of receiving public assistance from the state,” the 2016 presidential candidate said.

    Alabama cancels their Medicaid contract

    In addition to Louisiana and New Hampshire, today republican Alabama Governor Robert Bentley has announced that the state has terminated their Medicaid contract with Planned Parenthood.

    Alabama cuts off medicaid Planned Parenthood

    “The nation is shocked by videos depicting Planned Parenthood employees callously discussing the dismemberment of babies and the sale of baby body parts for profit. This is like a story out of Nazi Germany,” said Sen. Bill Hightower (R-Mobile) during the committee hearing, according to a report by Yellowhammer .

    The federal authorities may allow this type of thing, but Alabama won’t – and upon final passage, Alabama will have a law that reflects Alabama’s values.”

    Sen Hightower also introduced legislation in the state that will make it a felony to offer or accept money for aborted babies, “Because if the feds don’t deal with it, we will,” he added.

    Bill Heightower Ala Planned Parenthood

    An Alabama Senate committee approved the bill today which will now move to the full Senate.

    “The deplorable practices at Planned Parenthood have been exposed to Americans, and I have decided to stop any association with the organization in Alabama,” said Governor Bentley. “As a doctor and Alabama’s Governor, the issue of human life, from conception to birth and beyond, is extremely important to me. I respect human life, and I do not want Alabama to be associated with an organization that does not.”

    According to the WSFA, Planned Parenthood Southeast can request a hearing with Alabama Medicaid.

    Alabama Congressman Bradley Byrne is now calling on the Department of Justice to investigate Planned Parenthood.

    Last month, Life Dynamics reported that a Wisconsin lawmaker introduced a bill that could eliminate at least half of the funding Planned Parenthood gets in the state by reducing over-billing through Medicaid by the abortion giant.

    The legislation came following calls from 24 lawmakers asking for a Planned Parenthood audit.

    Texas Sues Planned Parenthood for Medicaid Fraud

    The state of Texas has sued Planned Parenthood for Medicaid fraud, a point Governor Greg Abbot bragged about recently on twitter announcing his call for an investigation:

    Gov Gregg Abbott tweeted: "I already sued Planned Parenthood for Medicaid Fraud. Now Texas will look into these organ harvesting claims."
    Screenshot: Twitter

    “I already sued Planned Parenthood for Medicaid Fraud. Now Texas will look into these organ harvesting claims,” the Governor tweeted.

    In 2013, Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast, the very affiliate operating the Houston abortion clinic now exposed by the Center for Medical Progress, settled for $4.3 million with the state of Texas after an audit revealed that the agency charged for “fraudulently over billing the taxpayer-funded Medicaid program.”

    According to the Houston Chronicle, on July 30,2013, Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast settled fraudulent Medicaid billing lawsuit with the state to the tune of $4.3 million – nearly $3 million more than was originally announced by then Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott.

    Texas attorney general website announces the $1.4 million dollar settlement against Planned Parenthood
    Source: Texas Attorney General Website

    Other documented alleged abuses by Planned Parenthood.

    Americans United for Life has also documented alleged abuses by Planned Parenthood.

    In a published entitled, The Case for Investigating Planned Parenthood, they list the misuse of federal health care and family planning funds and admissions by former employees as detailing a pattern of misuse by some Planned Parenthood affiliates. (read here)

    A 2014 report by the legal group, Alliance Defending Freedom, entitled, “Profit No Matter What,” makes similar claims.

    Through Life Dynamics’ Clinic Worker project, employees of Planned Parenthood can report fraud and other illegal activity.

    Abortion clinic workers protect yourselves. Don't let your job put you in prison!

    Life Dynamics has been working with abortion clinic and Planned Parenthood employees for many years helping to gather evidence of criminal activity such as:

    • Income Tax Evasion
    • Physical Assault of Patients
    • Medicaid Fraud
    • Sexual Harassment of Employees
    • Insurance Fraud
    • Sexual Assault of Patients
    • Money Laundering
    • Failure to Report Statutory Rape of Minors
    • Consumer Fraud
    • Health and Safety Code Violations

    For a Clinic Worker kit that you can use outside your local abortion and Planned Parenthood facility, contact Life Dynamics.

    One Comment

    1. C’mon Colorado, Texas, New Mexico…………………………… – Hop on board!

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