Planned Parenthood: intact fetal cadavers a matter of line items
A 5th video has been released showing the nation’s largest Planned Parenthood abortion facility offering intact fetal cadavers referred to as “specimens.”
The Center for Medical Progress has released a 5th video showing the nation’s largest Planned Parenthood abortion facility offering intact fetal cadavers which they refer to as “specimens.”
Center for Medical Progress, posing as buyers for a Biotech company sat with the Director of Research for Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast, Melissa Farrell, at the abortion-clinic headquarters of Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast in Houston, Texas.
“Our organization has been doing research for many many many years,” Farrell tells CMP.
At issue is whether Planned Parenthood is violating federal law in selling aborted baby body parts and altering the abortion procedures to do so.

“We deviate from our standard to do that,” Planned Parenthood’s Director of Research says in the video.
Adding that the procedure is “generally standard” but admitting “I’m saying standard loosely.”
She also admits that six of the abortion facility’s doctors abort babies beyond 16 weeks and the “doctors” also do “research.”

Asked if Planned Parenthood can alter or adjust the procedure to get the specific organ or tissue needed, the Planned Parenthood employee repeatedly replies yes.
Even agreeing to 18-20 week “specimens” that are “intact‘ meaning babies that are delivered or aborted whole.

“We’re going to potentially have some that will be more or less intact and then some that will not be,” Farrell says.
“Yeah if we alter our process and we are able to obtain intact fetal cadavers, then we can make it part of the budget that any dissections are this, and splitting the specimens into different shipments is this, I mean- that’s- it’s all just a matter of line items.”

Farrell also indicates to the investigators over lunch that the specimen sales from her department contribute significantly to Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast’s overall finances.
“I think everyone realizes, especially because my department contributes so much to the bottom line of our organization here, you know we’re one of the largest affiliates, our Research Department is the largest in the United States. Larger than any the other affiliates’ combined.”
The Texas governor has ordered an investigation into Planned Parenthood and recently a hearing on the matter was conducted in the state.
During the hearing, the state’s attorney general testified their investigators saw fingers and toes in “POC Room”:
“Our investigators are working across Texas to gather information and evidence relevant to the case. Last week, after a meeting at a Houston Planned Parenthood clinic, officials there invited our team to take a look around, including a stop at what they call the ‘POC Room.’ POC stands for ‘Products of Conception.’ There, lab technicians receive the remains of aborted children – also known as ‘the products’ – which are washed, examined, bagged, refrigerated, accumulated and every week taken away by a contractor that burns their bodies as medical waste.”
“As my staffers watched, a technician took an aborted child from a jar, rinsed it in a colander, and placed the body parts in a tray. Fingers and toes, exceptionally tiny but fully-formed, were clearly visible. The remains were eventually deposited in a red plastic bag, about the size of an average grocery sack. According to the people at the facility, they average at least 260 pounds of “medical waste” a week, every week.”
In 2013, Life Dynamics interviewed former employees from a Houston abortion facility unrelated to Planned Parenthood.

The abortion workers claimed the doctor would sometimes abort babies that would come out alive.
A partial transcript from the interview read as follows:
Clinic Worker: “Most of the time we would see him where the fetus would come completely out and of course the fetus would still be alive because it was still moving, of course, you could see the stomach breathing and um that’s when he would do his um, he would snip the spine, as they were saying this doctor did and of course the soft spot was one of the spots that he um would take one of the forceps, or what is it called? The dilators and stick it down the soft spot of the fetuses head.”
Interviewer: “You saw this happen?”
Clinic Worker: “Oh yes. I think every morning I saw on several occasions. If we had um, if we had 20 something patients, of course maybe 10 or 12, or 13 or 15 would be large procedures – out of those large procedures I’m pretty sure I was seeing 3 to 4 fetus that were completely delivered in some way or another.”
More on that here.
In the Center for Medical Progress video, CMP “buyers” are taken into Planned Parenthood’s back pathology room where they ask to view any fresh specimens i.e. aborted babies.
With a BIG smile on her face, the Planned Parenthood assistant says, “We had a really long day and they are all mixed up in a bag,” she states as she giggles.

They then ask for a look anyway and a Planned Parenthood worker tells them, “It varies on gestation, sometimes they come out really intact.”
They tell CMP that they keep the “specimens” frozen.
The disturbing images of Planned Parenthood poking through the remains if unborn children are horrific as they brag that their tiny organs come out “really really well.“

Stating they get “40 to 50 easy” babies per month that are 16-22 weeks.
In addition, the employees discuss how Planned Parenthood Federation of America is “moving away from a standardized policy” regarding fetal tissue donation because PPFA is, “encouraging more participation but they don’t want to get too into the mix of it,” they say.
Earlier this week, Governor Bobby Jindal terminated a medicaid contract with Planned Parenthood over the video controversy.
The Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals (DHH) explained that they had concerns that Planned Parenthood could be acting in violation of Louisiana law which states that no person or group contracting with the state or receiving government assistance shall require or recommend that any woman have an abortion.
Governor Jindal, who is running as a 2016 GOP presidential candidate, issued this statement in his press release, “In recent weeks, it has been shocking to see reports of the alleged activities taking place at Planned Parenthood facilities across the country. Planned Parenthood does not represent the values of the people of Louisiana and shows a fundamental disrespect for human life. It has become clear that this is not an organization that is worthy of receiving public assistance from the state.”
The state investigation into Planned Parenthood remains ongoing.
Meanwhile, a vote in the Senate to defund Planned Parenthood failed to reach the needed 60 votes to move the bill forward. The abortion baby parts business receives half a billion dollars in federal tax money each year.
You can view how your Senator voted here.
UPDATE: Governor Gregg Abbott released a statement about the latest Gulf Coast Planned Parenthood Video, vowing to investigate the matter:
“The latest video showing Planned Parenthood’s treatment of unborn children in a Houston clinic is repulsive and unconscionable. Selling baby body parts is the furthest thing imaginable from providing women’s healthcare, and this organization’s repeated and systematic disrespect for human life is appalling. The State of Texas is aggressively investigating this matter and must use all available legal remedies to address this depraved conduct,” Gov. Abbott said.
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