Being The Light That Exposes The Evil Of Abortion
God has called us to drag into the light the evil that these baby killers do in darkness.

Written By: Mark Crutcher
President of Life Dynamics
To My Dear Friends and Fellow Warriors in the Struggle to Save God’s Babies,
At this time of the year, those of us at Life Dynamics are always reminded of what an honor and privilege it is to fight along side you in this noble cause. For that, we thank you.
You and Life Dynamics have a unique role to play in the fight to end abortion. In John’s gospel, we are told that Christ is “the true Light, which lighteth every man” (John 1:9.) And because He is, Jesus warns us:
“And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved.” (John 3:19-20.)
That is a summary of what you and Life Dynamics are all about. When it comes to the fight against the grave evil and injustice of abortion …
The Life Dynamics mission is to be the LIGHT
that exposes abortion for the evil it is.
We do this because, as I’ve written to you in prior years, we want to end abortion and fill all the empty high chairs that haunt our nation’s Christmas dinner tables with the bright faces of smiling babies.
It’s hard to believe that since the Supreme Court legalized abortion-on-demand back in 1973 over 63 million babies have been killed in abortions. That’s 63 million empty high chairs. This is surely a crime that cries out to heaven for justice.
That is why I’m writing this and asking you to include Life Dynamics in your Christmas giving. I’m not asking you to do this for Life Dynamics but for the countless number of babies you help save through your financial support of our mission and projects.
There are two reasons why Christmas
is the right time of year to re-commit
ourselves to the fight against abortion.
First, this is the time when the world pauses to remember that it was in the “fullness of time” that God intervened in the affairs of man and “gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.” It is that promise of everlasting life that sustains us in hope and keeps us going in our struggle against the powers of evil and darkness.
That’s the first reason why today is the best time to renew your commitment to the fight to end America’s abortion holocaust.
Here’s the second…
As I’m sure you know, the Supreme Court is considering a case from Mississippi that might – and I emphasize the word “might” – be used to end the atrocity of legalized abortion-on-demand, overturn the Court’s diabolical 1973 Roe v Wade decision, and give our unborn brothers and sisters the legal protections they deserve.
That case is Dobbs v Jackson Women’s Health Organization. Oral arguments were made a few days ago.
Now the fate of millions of defenseless babies lies in
the hands of nine men and women … just as it did over
forty years ago when the Court handed down Roe.
Hopefully, this time the Court will rule justly. But if history has shown us anything, it is that there’s no guarantee on how these judges will rule. Just look at the 1973 Roe decision that legalized abortion-on-demand. Republican presidents appointed the majority of the Justices who were on the Court at that time.
Besides, even if the Court overturns Roe, the fight to end abortion is a long way from over. The one thing we can’t afford to do is to start acting act like we’ve won this fight because, no matter what the Court decides, all we’ll have actually won is the opportunity to win the ultimate victory. That’s all.
And the pro-aborts are not about
to go peacefully into the night!
These are godless anti-life zealots and pro-abortion tyrants who care about nothing more than they care about killing babies. And the cold reality is … the Biden administration is filled with them.
They are making no secret of the fact that they are already coming up with plans to circumvent the Court if the Justices decide against them in the Mississippi case – or in the Texas law that the Court just decided to take a look at – and throws the matter back into the hands of the individual states.
If that’s what happens, that doesn’t end the battle – it merely changes the battlefield. In practical terms, sending the abortion issue back to the states would not be the beginning of the end, it would be the end of the beginning. And that will remain true until the PERSONHOOD of the unborn is legally recognized.
Last May, I wrote a letter to our supporters in which I pointed out the political reality facing us right now. Simply put …
The battle to protect the unborn will never be won at the
national level until it is won at the local level. The fact is,
we will win or lose this fight one community at a time!
In that letter I included the results of a Marist poll which shows that people are fed up with all the killing and unfettered abortion:
- Over 75% of Americans want significant restrictions on abortion.
- Most Americans believe that abortion should be limited to the first three months of pregnancy, if it’s permitted at all.
- Almost two-thirds say that if the Supreme Court reconsiders Roe it should either make abortion illegal or allow states to dramatically restrict abortions.
I also shared a national poll of young people aged 18 to 34 which found that young voters also reject the “abortion until birth” agenda of Biden and the Democrats.
When informed that Roe allows abortion throughout all nine months of pregnancy, 57 percent of these young voters said they oppose Roe … more than 70 percent said they would support placing significant limits on abortion … and nearly half said they support prohibiting abortion after a fetal heartbeat can be detected, which can take place as early as six weeks gestation.
All of this demonstrates the enormous opportunities we have right now. But make no mistake, Life Dynamics will never be satisfied with mere limits on abortion that save some babies while allowing others to be killed. Like you, we will not rest until every baby is safe. EVERY BABY!
That is why in 2022, we’re launching a project called, Operation Home Front. It will see that every pro-life warrior in America has a pragmatic, effective, and legal plan to drive the baby killers from their communities.
And it is through your consistent and steady partnership with Life Dynamics that we are able to introduce projects like Operation Home Front and give our fellow pro-life activists the weapons they need to stop the senseless slaughter of the unborn.
It is your generous financial support that allows
Life Dynamics to be the pro-life organization that
shines the light of God’s truth on the abortion
industry for all to see.
Those of us at Life Dynamics always strive to see that our efforts are truly a reflection of Christ, the Light of the world, who came that first Christmas so that mankind ”shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life.” And God has called us especially to drag into the light the evil that these baby killers do in darkness.
This Christmas, as we celebrate the coming of the Light into the world, I urge you to re-commit yourself to the fight against abortion.
Remember, there was a time during which Christ Himself was an unborn Child. And because He was, He is one with every other unborn child. It is because of Him that you give of yourself and work with Life Dynamics to protect your unborn brothers and sisters.
I’ll end with that but not before I wish you a most blessed and joyous Christmas. May God fill you and your family with His peace at this holy season, and throughout the coming year.

-Mark Crutcher
President of Life Dynamics
P.S. In addition to your financial help, will you give us your spiritual help as well? The pro-life movement needs you and Life Dynamics, especially if the fight to end abortion expands to all fifty states. So please ask God to bless our work with success so that Life Dynamics is able to: (1) Equip and train pro-life activists all across the country to rid their local communities of abortion; and (2) Recruit millions of young people into the pro-life movement.
Thank you again for that special Christmas donation you’ll be making to Life Dynamics. And may God bless you abundantly this Christmas.
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