2nd vid shows Planned Parenthood doc offering “less crunchy technique” for “whole specimens” of aborted babies

A second undercover video shows Planned Parenthood’s Medical Director Council President haggling over payments for intact fetal specimens and offering to use a “less crunchy technique” to get more intact body parts. The video is the second one released from a three year under cover investigation conducted by The Center for Medical Progress, dubbed “Human…

Pro-life leaders call for investigation of Planned Parenthood and abortion facilities over baby parts harvesting

A New Mexico pro-life group is calling for their state to investigate Planned Parenthood and other abortion clinics over the possible harvesting of aborted baby parts. Protest ABQ along with other local leaders say that their state is the “late term abortion capital of the nation.” As a result, they claim that there is a…

Senator to Obama on Planned Parenthood’s parts trafficking: These are not mice or lab rats, these are children!

Last week, Oklahoma Senator James Lankford delivered an emotional speech on the floor of the U.S. Senate to President Obama about the recent Planned Parenthood video and their abortion practices to harvest body parts, stating, “These are not mice, these are not lab rats, these are children.” As he described the grisly procedure of crushing…