New on LifeTalk: Do Pro-Choicers Actually Hate REAL Choice?

The pro-choice side worried, and their new strategy questions whether they ever actually supported REAL choice…

For years, the pro-choice mantra has been that they believe in a person’s right to choose.

But, news and research shows that the national abortion rate is dropping, abortion clinics are closing in record numbers, younger people are polling more and more pro-life, and more people are wanting nothing to do with abortion businesses.

Salon Magazine, Bloomberg Online, and others write about the nation's disappearing abortion clinics. ( real choice)
Salon Magazine, Bloomberg Online, and others write about the nation’s disappearing abortion clinics.

In short, the very thing they claim to believe in, is the very reason why clinics are closing.

“They always talk about choice. They can’t win if choice is the issue. They see that they’re losing because of choice.”

-Mark Crutcher

Could they now be stepping away from “choice” in an attempt to save abortion?

In the episode, Pro-Abortion Extremism, the hosts of Life Talk discussed several cases being taken to the Supreme Court to challenge laws that violate the freedom of conscience and freedom of religion. In one case, a nun order dedicated to taking care of the elderly poor called the Little Sisters of the Poor, are being forced to have insurance plans that covers contraceptives, abortifacient drugs and sterilization procedures.

In this new episode, the hosts reveal that in California, the pro-choice lobby is trying to gain a foothold in the state’s crisis pregnancy centers. The FACT Act, requires that Crisis Pregnancy Centers give out information to their clients about where to obtain abortions.

California's Fact Act requires crisis pregnancy centers to advertise to women where they can get an abortion. ( real choice)

Recently, a California district judge denied an injunction by several crisis pregnancy centers that would block the law from taking effect. Judge John Houston ruled that it did not violate the right to free speech guaranteed by the constitution. However, Life Dynamics president, Mark Crutcher, points out:

“The 1st amendment can not only not compel you to remain silent if you want to speak out, but it also can’t compel you to say things you don’t believe or that you don’t want to say.”

-Mark Crutcher

When Mama’s happy… the feminists aren’t…

Several “feminist” journalists voiced criticisms when Adele, the latest of a list of celebrities, made statements about her new journey as a mother. In an article for Vogue, the singer stated that becoming a parent “gave her a purpose” that she felt she didn’t have before. See the pro-choice journalists reactions in the clip below.

Plus, Mark gives an interesting analysis on the elections and the future of the supreme court…

This episode could leave you wondering if the pro-choice side ever really supported real choice…

Watch the New Episode Now:



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