Episode 26 | The Ginsburg Meltdown

Episode 26 | The Ginsburg Meltdown

Episode Synopsis: The death of Ginsburg has the left in meltdown mode over abortion and Ginsburg’s potential replacement. We discuss who the left should really be mad at, the escalating cultural civil war, the connection between culture and politics, and how some Christians and pro-lifers seem to be sanctifying Ginsburg. Episode Duration: 34 min In…

America Is Under Attack

America Is Under Attack

It would be easy to conclude that our country is teetering on the edge of total collapse. Riots. Looting. Tearing down statues. The cancel culture. The pandemic. Lawlessness. Chaos. Terror. At the heart of it all is the loss of the nation’s moral bearings. The fact that it is perfectly legal for a mom to…

Episode 10: Is It Possible To Be A Pro-Life Democrat Or A Pro-Life Feminist?

Episode 10: Is It Possible To Be A Pro-Life Democrat Or A Pro-Life Feminist?

Episode Synopsis: In this controversial episode, we look at the challenge of being both pro-life and a democrat or pro-life and a feminist. It may seem easy in theory, but proves to be a challenge in practice. Plus, we reveal why abortion needs to be a litmus test for every person who considers themselves pro-life….

Episode 9: Is Planned Parenthood Trying To Become Part Of The Government?

Episode 9: Is Planned Parenthood Trying To Become Part Of The Government?

Episode Synopsis: Could Planned Parenthood be trying to become an agency of the government? Before you call us conspiracy theorists, listen to our proof that this is real and how this would be beneficial for them. Plus, we address the LA Times article which claims that a new documentary on FX will show that Norma…

The Pennsylvania Treason

The Pennsylvania Treason

For the pro-life movement, the only practical distinction between the Democrat and Republican parties is that one is an enemy who will stab us in the chest and the other is a friend who will stab us in the back. Tuesday’s Republican primary in Pennsylvania proved my point.