How The Connection Between Christmas & The Alamo Relates To The Pro-Life Movement

There is a subtle message in the birth of Jesus, and the Alamo that relates directly to our work in the battle against abortion.

Christmas is just around the corner!

For us, this is the time we celebrate the birth of Christ and the tremendous love our Heavenly Father has for us. It is at this holy time of year that we ask you to prayerfully consider sending Life Dynamics a very much needed gift.

As you consider our request, we want to share something with you about Jesus that relates directly to your work in the pro-life movement.

Have you ever thought about the fact that, as our Lord was hanging on the cross and dying to give us eternal life, he was completely ALONE.

His mother wasn’t on the cross with Him. Nor were the Apostles. In fact, one of His close friends betrayed Him. And of the remaining eleven, one denied Him and nine others abandoned Him in His greatest hour of need. Christ was all alone as He fulfilled the Father’s will and gave Himself up on the cross.

In a very real sense, the pro-life movement is alone in our fight for the unborn.

Because Life Dynamics president, Mark Crutcher, is a Texan, he sometimes compares our situation to the Alamo. Colonel William Travis sent out a dozen or so riders to scour the Texas landscape in hopes of inspiring recruits to come to the aid of those under siege at the Alamo. In the end, all that came was about 30 volunteers from Gonzalez. With the Mexican troops led by Santa Anna now at their door, Travis called his garrison together and broke the news to them.

We’re all there is, he said. We’re alone. No one is coming.

He also informed them that Santa Anna had promised safe passage for anyone inside who wanted to leave. Then, taking sword in hand, Travis drew that now famous line in the sand and gave his men a choice. They could stay with him and die, or they could cross the line and leave.

They were severely outnumbered. Every man inside knew that staying meant defeat and certain death. But no one crossed the line.

They stayed and fought because they knew it would take their blood in the soil to make Texas free. Every single one of the 189 men would be killed within only a few days. But in death, each Alamo defender took with him roughly ten Mexican soldiers. Six weeks later, Santa Anna’s depleted army limped into San Jacinto where they were defeated by General Sam Houston’s men in a battle that lasted only 18 minutes. A new nation was born.

There is a powerful message in that for the pro-life movement.

For over 40 years, we’ve been looking over our shoulders hoping that the cavalry would soon come riding over the hill. But as we enter the new year, it is time for us to accept that no one is coming. Not the church. Not the Republican party. No one. Now we’re not trying to depress you. Just the opposite, in fact.

From the beginning, the pro-life movement has been abandoned by those we should have been able to count on, betrayed by those we trusted, ridiculed and demonized in the public square and ignored by a society in moral decay. But through it all, even in times of relentless darkness when there seemed to be no possibility of victory, we took the enemy's best shots and stayed on our feet. - Life Dynamics

Look, Life Dynamics is never going to quit and we think the same thing is true about you. We will not abandon the unborn and their moms. To the world we may appear to be fighting this battle alone, but the truth is that God is always with us. He has also promised us the victory. Remember this:

“The gates of hell shall not prevail against you.”

And make no mistake, the front door of an abortion clinic is a gate into hell. As long as we keep our focus on that, and stop worrying about who is or is not on our side, we have no reason to fear anything or anyone. In fact, some of our enemies are now openly conceding that we have the momentum.

How Life Dynamics continues the fight:

(1) Going inside the belly of the abortion beast and coming out with all the evidence needed to destroy it. (2) Coming up with new and innovative ways to open people’s eyes to the sheer horror and evil of abortion.

Projects like Child Predator and The Marketing of Aborted Baby Parts are ways we go inside the belly of the beast and expose Planned Parenthood for the evil monster it is. Projects like Maafa 21 and our soon-to-launch College Campus Project are just two of the many ways we’re opening eyes to the truth about abortion. Keep a look out because the College Campus Project is going to be huge, and there won’t be anything the pro-choice side can do to stop it!

Together, we can make 2018 the best year ever for the pro-life cause.

So as you put your Christmas list together, please remember to include something for your little unborn brothers and sisters. Give them the same gift our Lord gave you that first Christmas: the gift of life.

And there’s no better way for you to do that than to continue your partnership with us at Life Dynamics.

On behalf of everyone here at Life Dynamics, we wish you and your loved ones a heartfelt Merry Christmas and a happy New Year!

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