Episode 9: Is Planned Parenthood Trying To Become Part Of The Government?

Episode Synopsis: Could Planned Parenthood be trying to become an agency of the government? Before you call us conspiracy theorists, listen to our proof that this is real and how this would be beneficial for them. Plus, we address the LA Times article which claims that a new documentary on FX will show that Norma…

Episode Synopsis:
Could Planned Parenthood be trying to become an agency of the government?

Before you call us conspiracy theorists, listen to our proof that this is real and how this would be beneficial for them. Plus, we address the LA Times article which claims that a new documentary on FX will show that Norma McCorvey, the “Roe” in Roe vs. Wade, didn’t really become pro-life but was paid to say she was.

Episode Duration: 27 min

In This Episode We Discuss:
  1. Greetings (00:25)
  2. The LA Times Article that has everyone talking. (00:46)
  3. This Political Season & The evolution of the Democrat Party. (09:05 )
  4. Had Hillary Clinton won in 2016… (16:30)
  5. Is Planned Parenthood restructuring and modeling mega-centers after VA Hospitals? (17:04)
  6. Obamacare “Navigators”. (18:03)
  7. The ways Planned Parenthood would benefit from becoming a government agency (19:22)
  8. Looking towards the future… (21:56)
  9. Why it’s crucial for us to be educated on the abortion issue (24:04)
  10. Closing Statements (25:22)
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Episode 143 | Planned Parenthood’s War Against Independent Abortion Clinics

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