Episode 143 | Planned Parenthood’s War Against Independent Abortion Clinics

In our stings and investigations into the abortion industry, we long ago discovered that Planned Parenthood has been trying squeeze out the independent abortion clinics to become America’s exclusive provider of abortions. While this has been an open secret within the abortion industry, insiders have been dedicated about not airing their dirty laundry. But it now appears that the battle between Planned Parenthood and the independents has become so heated that all their reservations have gone out the window. We discuss all that is coming out in the media – including how an independent clinic in New York is suing Planned Parenthood!

Episode Synopsis:

In our stings and investigations into the abortion industry, we long ago discovered that Planned Parenthood has been trying squeeze out the independent abortion clinics to become America’s exclusive provider of abortions. While this has been an open secret within the abortion industry, insiders have been dedicated about not airing their dirty laundry. But it now appears that the battle between Planned Parenthood and the independents has become so heated that all their reservations have gone out the window. We discuss all that is coming out in the media – including how an independent clinic in New York is suing Planned Parenthood!

Episode Duration: 20 min

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In This Episode We Discuss:
  • Greetings (00:24)
  • How this is becoming more apparent (01:30)
  • Parkmed NYC is suing Planned Parenthood! (03:08)
  • Abortion industry stats – Planned Parenthood vs independents (08:53)
  • Abortion industry insiders speak out in New Yorker article (12:17)
  • From The Mouth of Mark (17:04)
  • Final Thoughts (19:05)

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