Episode 130 | FDA Proves That Chemical Abortions Are The Abortion Industry’s “Plan B”

This week on the Pro-Life America podcast, we discuss the recent changes to the regulations for chemical abortions and telemed abortions made by the FDA and how this fits in with the abortion industry’s vision for the future. But in an interesting twist, could CVS, Walgreens, and others be trying to squeeze out the abortion industry in the telemed abortion business?

Episode Synopsis:

This week on the Pro-Life America podcast, we discuss the recent changes to the regulations for chemical abortions and telemed abortions made by the FDA and how this fits in with the abortion industry’s vision for the future. But in an interesting twist, could CVS, Walgreens, and others be trying to squeeze out the abortion industry in the telemed abortion business?

Episode Duration: 26 min

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In This Episode We Discuss:
  1. Greetings (00:24)
  2. Washington reveals ‘reproductive rights complaint form’ (00:56)
  3. FDA allows abortion pills to be offered at retail pharmacies and online (03:47)
  4. Dangers of the abortion pill (05:51)
  5. Could CVS, Walgreens, and others be trying to squeeze out the abortion industry? (09:53)
  6. Things we need to be looking out for in future (20:01)
  7. Final Thoughts (24:32)

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