Episode 61 | Pro-Choice Converts: Who’s Winnable?
Every day, pro-lifers debate pro-choicers online and attempt to sway their opinion. We discuss the important distinctions between different subgroups of pro-choicers, why some are “un-winnable,” and why it’s important to recognize this. Plus, we discuss a major debate trap that pro-lifers need to be aware of. All of this raises the question, are public debates on college campuses a waste of time? The answer may surprise you…
Episode Synopsis:
Every day, pro-lifers debate pro-choicers online and attempt to sway their opinion. We discuss the important distinctions between different subgroups of pro-choicers, why some are “un-winnable,” and why it’s important to recognize this. Plus, we discuss a major debate trap that pro-lifers need to be aware of. All of this raises the question, are public debates on college campuses a waste of time? The answer may surprise you…
Episode Duration: 23 min
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In This Episode We Discuss:
- Greetings (00:25)
- Who’s winnable? (01:43)
- “Doers” vs. “Talkers” (05:00)
- Should we ever debate someone who’s un-winnable? (9:52)
- Are pro-choice vs. pro-life debate events a waste of time? (12:37)
- The “Common Ground” Trap (14:34)
- Closing Statements (22:43)
- Learn About The Battle Ahead In Our Book, Siege.
- Pro-Life America Podcast Episode 60: The Latest In America’s Ongoing Culture War
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