Episode 45 | Abortion Stories The Pro-Choice Side Doesn’t Want You To Hear

With the help of Hollywood, the abortion lobby and pro-choice side touts abortion as something that empowers women, but we expose the truth of how abortion devastates everyone it touches. This episode is a sobering look a the price women have been forced to pay for the “right to choose.”

Episode Synopsis:

With the help of Hollywood, the abortion lobby and pro-choice side touts abortion as something that empowers women, but we expose the truth of how abortion devastates everyone it touches. We discuss abortion testimonies, and side effects such as “anniversary reactions,” issues bonding with future children, miscarriage, and more! This episode is a sobering look a the price women have been forced to pay for the “right to choose.”

Episode Duration: 28 min

In This Episode We Discuss:
  1. Greetings (00:25)
  2. Hollywood touts abortion (03:32)
  3. Lack of regret doesn’t exonerate abortion (4:40)
  4. Celebrities who regret their abortions (7:52)
  5. Kanye West’s revelation (12:48)
  6. Ohio woman kills her six-year-old son (14:04)
  7. Ramona’s Story (16:37)
  8. Anniversary Reactions (22:48)
  9. Post-abortive women and issues bonding with future children (24:06)
  10. Miscarriages and other side effects (24:41)
  11. Closing Statements (27:04)

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