Episode 38 | Pro-Choicers Are The Real Science Deniers

There are no bigger science deniers than the pro-choice side! In this episode of our podcast, we cover the top four biological truths the pro-choice side tries to deny!

Episode Synopsis:

In our first episode of 2021, we reveal who the REAL science deniers are. We cover the top four biological truths the pro-choice side tries to deny such as when life begins, the humanity of the unborn, abortion and birth control, and the link between abortion and breast cancer.

Episode Duration: 30 min

In This Episode We Discuss:
  1. Greetings (00:24)
  2. There are no bigger science deniers than the pro-choice side (1:45)
  3. Denying that life begins at conception (02:29)
  4. Pro-Choice lie that an unborn child is just a clump of cells (6:24)
  5. Denying that the unborn child and the mother are two separate people (8:34)
  6. The truth about birth control and abortion (13:25)
  7. Abortion and IVF (14:51)
  8. Denying the connection between abortion and breast cancer (19:00)
  9. Closing Statements (29:14)
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One More Thing…

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