Episode 108 | The Left Scrambles To Come Up With Roe v Wade’s “Plan B”
Since Roe vs Wade was overturned, the left has been scrambling to find a way to circumvent state laws and again make abortion legal nationwide. This week, we discuss the various strategies being discussed and the rape of a 10-year-old Ohio girl that’s making national headlines.
Episode Synopsis:
Since Roe vs Wade was overturned, the left has been scrambling to find a way to circumvent state laws and again make abortion legal nationwide. This week, we talk about the various strategies being discussed, and the rape of a 10-year-old Ohio girl that’s making national headlines.
Episode Duration: 20 min
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In This Episode We Discuss:
- Greetings (00:22)
- Leftist tweet: “Unborn child’ is an ‘Orwellian’ phrase meant ‘to short-circuit our ability to think and speak about human existence…” (00:37)
- The proposed “Floating Abortion Clinic” (03:25)
- Biden’s emergency orders (06:07)
- Biden lashes out at reporter ‘Read the polls, Jack! (08:26)
- The rape of a 10-year-old Ohio girl that’s making national headlines (09:18)
- Final Thoughts (20:02)
- Leftist writer Jill Filipovic says ‘Unborn child’ is an ‘Orwellian’ phrase meant ‘to short-circuit our ability to think and speak about human existence and life with necessary complexity’ – The Blaze
- Floating abortion clinic proposed in Gulf of Mexico to bypass bans – The Clarion Ledger
- Women on Waves Abortion Ship Campaigns
- SafeAndLegal.com
- Biden signs abortion rights executive order amid pressure – Politico
- Joe Biden May Declare Federal Emergency to Make Sure Babies are Killed in Abortions – LifeNews
- Biden lashes out at reporter asking about Democrats opposed to him running again: ‘Read the polls, Jack!’ – The Blaze
- Arrest made in rape of Ohio girl that led to Indiana abortion drawing international attention – The Columbus Dispatch
- Ohio 10-year-old’s alleged rapist is Guatemalan illegal immigrant: ICE source – Fox News
- Man charged in rape of 10-year-old girl who had to travel for abortion – Washington Post
- Our Child Predator Investigations
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