#93 – Is Life A Gift Or A Privilege?
The pro-choice position is that the unborn do not have an inherent right-to-life. Instead, that right is something that can be bestowed on them, or withheld from them, by those who have already been born.
The pro-choice position is that the unborn do not have an inherent right-to-life. Instead, that right is something that can be bestowed on them, or withheld from them, by those who have already been born.
The abortion lobby tries to justify slaughtering the unborn is by claiming that no one knows when life begins. But let’s think about it for a minute…
The pro-choice side argues that abortions before viability are okay since the child cannot survive if he or she is removed from the mother’s womb. But this argument is so illogical it’s laughable.
As Life Dynamics president, Mark Crutcher, always said, to understand the abortion issue just follow the money! In this week’s episode, we follow the money and expose how it is all about the Benjamins!
Since we covered the shocking FBI raid of pro-lifer, Mark Houck, over a supposed violation of the FACE Act last year, a growing number of pro-lifers are being prosecuted by the DOJ using FACE. This week, we talk with Jonathan Darnel, one of the 24 people currently charged with violating FACE, about the re-emergence of the rescue movement and its role in the abortion battle, the value of civil disobedience, and why F.A.C.E should be abolished.
Last weekend marked the first year since Roe vs Wade was overturned. We discuss where the abortion battle is, where it’s going, and why personhood is our next fight! Plus, we expose something about abortion statics that many pro-lifers don’t, but need to know!
With the elections just around the corner, an allegation that Herschel Walker paid for an ex- girlfriend’s abortion emerges. We discuss this, what it means for the elections and conservatives. Plus, we discuss the Biden Justice Department’s crack down on pro-lifers, the Supreme Court’s refusal to hear a personhood case, and the article claiming the pro-life movement is making America’s diaper crisis “worse.”
To kick off the new year, we go back to basics and define what pro-life means and how it is different from simply being opposed to abortion. We also talk about why pro-lifers must be pro-life without exceptions, when does someone become a human being, sex selection abortions and more! This is an important episode for all pro-lifers!
Enough is enough. Thousands of babies are still being killed by abortion on a daily basis. The abortion lobby is pushing back harder than ever. So how are we going to actually put an end to legalized abortion in the United States? Before we show you how, we need to first clear up a couple…
Episode Synopsis: Exclusively on our podcast, we introduce a unique and bold proposal for how we can end legalized abortion in America. Episode Duration: 29 min In This Episode We Discuss: Links: Subscribe The Pro-Life America Podcast On Your Favorite Podcast Platform So You Don’t Miss An Episode Right now, our show is available on…