Episode 146 | Facing the F.A.C.E Act – Interview with Jonathan Darnel

Episode 146 | Facing the F.A.C.E Act – Interview with Jonathan Darnel

Since we covered the shocking FBI raid of pro-lifer, Mark Houck, over a supposed violation of the FACE Act last year, a growing number of pro-lifers are being prosecuted by the DOJ using FACE. This week, we talk with Jonathan Darnel, one of the 24 people currently charged with violating FACE, about the re-emergence of the rescue movement and its role in the abortion battle, the value of civil disobedience, and why F.A.C.E should be abolished.

Episode 119 | Could Trouble Be Brewing In Georgia?

Episode 119 | Could Trouble Be Brewing In Georgia?

With the elections just around the corner, an allegation that Herschel Walker paid for an ex- girlfriend’s abortion emerges. We discuss this, what it means for the elections and conservatives. Plus, we discuss the Biden Justice Department’s crack down on pro-lifers, the Supreme Court’s refusal to hear a personhood case, and the article claiming the pro-life movement is making America’s diaper crisis “worse.”

Episode 84 | What Pro-Life Means

Episode 84 | What Pro-Life Means

To kick off the new year, we go back to basics and define what pro-life means and how it is different from simply being opposed to abortion. We also talk about why pro-lifers must be pro-life without exceptions, when does someone become a human being, sex selection abortions and more! This is an important episode for all pro-lifers!

Episode 4: Constitutional Showdown – A bold strategy to end legalized abortion in America.

Episode 4: Constitutional Showdown – A bold strategy to end legalized abortion in America.

Episode Synopsis: Exclusively on our podcast, we introduce a unique and bold proposal for how we can end legalized abortion in America. Episode Duration: 29 min In This Episode We Discuss: Links: Subscribe The Pro-Life America Podcast On Your Favorite Podcast Platform So You Don’t Miss An Episode Right now, our show is available on…