#87 – Does Viability Define Humanity?
The pro-choice side argues that abortions before viability are okay since the child cannot survive if he or she is removed from the mother’s womb. But this argument is so illogical it’s laughable.
Welcome to our new series, “Abortion Distortion,” where we turn the tables and make the pro-choice side defend the illogical, deceptive and immoral nature of their positions!
Like how the pro-choice side argues that abortions before viability are okay since the child cannot survive if he or she is removed from the mother’s womb. But this argument is so illogical it’s laughable. Watch to see why…
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Sometimes, the pro-choice mob argues that abortions before viability are okay since the child cannot survive if he or she is removed from the mother’s womb. This argument is so illogical it’s laughable. It’s like a doctor saying: “This patient will live if we leave his feeding tube in a little longer, but he’ll die if we remove it. So it’s okay to remove his feeding tube.”
Look, what these people are trying to make us believe is that viability defines humanity – and that’s a lie. An unborn baby is just as human five minutes before viability as he is five minutes after viability. But the real point is that, just because a particular group of people are dependent on others to survive, that doesn’t mean it’s okay to kill them. In fact, decent people see it as the reason to protect them.
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More Abortion Distortions:
#21 – Is Abortion Safer Than Childbirth?
According to those who support abortion, abortion is about as risky as a manicure, but pregnancy and childbirth is a mine field from which women rarely come out alive.
#5 – Have Thousands Really Died From Back-Alley Abortions?
The abortion lobby says that women used to die by the thousands every year from back-alley abortions. The truth is, they have been lying about this issue from day one!
#89 – A National Registry Of People Wanting To Adopt?
The abortion lobby warns that, without abortion, America would be overrun with babies nobody wants. Now if they are not lying, let’s pass federal legislation that creates a national registry of people who want to adopt a baby.