Episode 145 | A Year Without Roe

Last weekend marked the first year since Roe vs Wade was overturned. We discuss where the abortion battle is, where it’s going, and why personhood is our next fight! Plus, we expose something about abortion statics that many pro-lifers don’t, but need to know!

Episode Synopsis:

Last weekend marked the first year since Roe vs Wade was overturned. We discuss where the abortion battle is, where it’s going, and why personhood is our next fight! Plus, we expose something about abortion statics that many pro-lifers don’t, but need to know!

Episode Duration: 23 min

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In This Episode We Discuss:
  • Greetings (00:24)
  • YouTube pulls an episode of our podcast (00:35)
  • Have bans reduced the number of abortions? (03:42)
  • Pharmacies suing over abortion drug mandate (10:22)
  • Pro-Choice groups using Religious Freedom to attack abortion bans (10:56)
  • Abortionist runs over sidewalk counselor (13:12)
  • Pennsylvania clinicians push for non-doctors to do abortion (15:31)
  • It’s time to focus on personhood! (18:22)
  • From The Mouth of Mark (21:07)
  • Final Thoughts (20:24)

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