Episode 132 | Responding To Pro-Choice Comments / Arguments – Volume 2

Listeners who enjoyed episode 66, where we respond to pro-choice comments on Instagram, will be in for a treat this week. On this episode of the Pro-Life America podcast, we respond to pro-choice arguments and comments made by pro-choicers online. From tweets, to videos, to Reddit threads, to YouTube comments, we searched for some of the best examples of pro-choice logic. Enjoy!

Episode Synopsis:

Listeners who enjoyed episode 66 of our podcast, where we respond to pro-choice comments on Instagram, will be in for a treat this week. On this episode of the Pro-Life America podcast, we respond to pro-choice arguments and comments made by pro-choicers online. From tweets, to videos, to Reddit threads, to YouTube comments, we searched for some of the best examples of pro-choice logic. Enjoy!

Episode Duration: 25 min

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One Comment

  1. Wayne Campbell says:

    This podcast does a great job in exposing the hatred pro-abortionist have for human life! It is chilling to hear these people use the Nazi’s reasoning to determine if someone should live or die. Abortionists and their supporters are natural eugenics, meaning they want to kill people who do not “deserve” to live. That is evil in its purest form.

    Here is a suggestion for an upcoming podcast, discredit the lie that pro-lifers do not care about the born. Show the public the great job that pregnancy care centers and pro-lifers in general are doing to help born children and their parents.

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