Episode 66 | Responding To Pro-Choice Comments On Instagram

After the Life Dynamics Instagram account was suddenly flooded with pro-choice comments on several of our posts, we decided to have a bit of fun and do a show where we respond to some of their arguments and/or questions.

Episode Synopsis:

After the Life Dynamics Instagram account was suddenly flooded with pro-choice comments on several of our posts, we decided to have a bit of fun and do a show where we respond to some of their arguments and/or questions. Enjoy!

Episode Duration: 23 min

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In This Episode We Discuss:
  1. Greetings (00:24)
  2. Pro-Choice Comment #1: What if the birth of the baby poses a threat to the person giving birth? (1:29)
  3. Pro-Choice Comment #2: The unborn baby is a parasite. (7:15)
  4. Pro-Choice Comment #3: “Differentiating clump of cells” and the “sperm donor” has no say (10:31) (6:22)
  5. Pro-Choice Comment #4: The fetus does not have consciousness, therefore it’s not alive. (12:42)
  6. Pro-Choice Comment #5: Abused children (16:30)
  7. Pro-Choice Comment #6: Do you have a uterus @life_dynamics_incorporated? (20:45)
  8. Closing Statements (21:52)

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