Episode 55 | Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: “I am a Planned Parenthood Baby!”

During a meeting of the House Oversight and Reform Committee recently, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez hailed Planned Parenthood, claiming that their “prenatal care” saved “many babies” including herself. But Planned Parenthood’s own employees have been recorded saying that they don’t offer “prenatal care.” Special guest, Sheila Crutcher, joins us to discuss myth vs reality regarding the services that Planned Parenthood offers and the hypocrisy of pro-choice politicians who push them as healthcare for the poor.

Episode Synopsis:

During a meeting of the House Oversight and Reform Committee recently, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez hailed Planned Parenthood, claiming that their “prenatal care” saved “many babies” including herself. But Planned Parenthood’s own employees have been recorded saying that they don’t offer “prenatal care.” Special guest, Sheila Crutcher, joins us to discuss myth vs reality regarding the services that Planned Parenthood offers and the hypocrisy of pro-choice politicians who push them as healthcare for the poor.

Special Guest: Sheila Crutcher

Episode Duration: 25 min

In This Episode We Discuss:
  1. Greetings (00:23)
  2. AOC: “I’m a Planned Parenthood baby!” (02:19)
  3. At Planned Parenthood, abortions are up & other services are down (5:11)
  4. The hypocrisy of pro-choice politicians (8:13)
  5. Planned Parenthood now doing Gender Affirming Hormone Therapy (11:10)
  6. What Planned Parenthood presidents have to say (14:58)
  7. Abortion is not healthcare! (16:31)
  8. Pro-Choice activist in Argentina dies from abortion just after it was legalized (19:02)
  9. Closing Statements (23:18)

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