Episode 74 | Five Things You May Not Know About “Big Abortion”

Inspired by Biden’s new proposal allowing the IRS to audit virtually all financial transactions, we follow the money and reveal five things about the abortion business that you may not know…

Episode Synopsis:

Inspired by Biden’s new proposal allowing the IRS to audit virtually all financial transactions, we follow the money and reveal five things about the abortion business that you may not know – like how insurance companies benefit from abortion coverage, the price stagnation of abortion, and how Obamacare is a bailout for the abortion industry.

Episode Duration: 21 min

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In This Episode We Discuss:
  1. Greetings (00:23)
  2. The price freeze of abortion (3:29)
  3. Billing insurance companies for abortion (6:58)
  4. Doctors who use abortion as a safety net (10:01)
  5. The abortion lobby’s fragile money generating machine (13:51)
  6. The real goal of Obamacare (16:37)
  7. Closing Statements (20:33)

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