Episode 113 | “Big Abortion” Sets Its Eyes On Mexico

Years ago, when the “right to choose” looked safe, Canada and Mexico were not on the abortion lobby’s radar screen. But with Roe being overturned and legalized abortion in danger a back-up plan has been launched. We discuss why the abortion lobby has its eyes focused on Mexico and Canada and things pro-lifers need to be on the lookout for. But before that, we discuss the latest news, including the abortion industry’s letter asking the media not to interview pro-lifers nor report the pro-life position.

Episode Synopsis:

Years ago, when the “right to choose” looked safe, Canada and Mexico were not on the abortion lobby’s radar screen. But with Roe being overturned and legalized abortion in danger a back-up plan has been launched. We discuss why the abortion lobby has its eyes focused on Mexico and Canada and things pro-lifers need to be on the lookout for. But before that, we discuss the latest news, including the abortion industry’s letter asking the media not to interview pro-lifers nor report the pro-life position.

Episode Duration: 24 min

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In This Episode We Discuss:
  1. Greetings (00:23)
  2. Abortion industry’s letter asking media not to interview or report pro-life position (00:47)
  3. Senate Democrats axed defining pregnancy as a biologically female process (03:44)
  4. Liz Cheney’s Loss in Wyoming (07:00)
  5. Elizabeth Warren blames her loss in the 2020 primaries on sexism (09:07)
  6. The abortion lobby’s battle in Mexico (10:11)
  7. Final Thoughts (23:26)

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