Episode 52 | American Tax Payers Have Been Paying For Aborted Baby Parts For YEARS!

This week, under the guise of women’s safety due to COVID, the FDA announced that women seeking an abortion pill will not be required to visit a doctor’s office or clinic. We discuss how the fight to abandon this requirement began, what it means for women and young girls and what the motivation for the abortion industry’s endorsement of RU-486 really is. (Hint: It’s not money.)

Episode 51 | Snail Mail Abortions?

This week, under the guise of women’s safety due to COVID, the FDA announced that women seeking an abortion pill will not be required to visit a doctor’s office or clinic. We discuss how the fight to abandon this requirement began, what it means for women and young girls and what the motivation for the abortion industry’s endorsement of RU-486 really is. (Hint: It’s not money.)

Episode 49 | Is There REALLY A War On Women, Or Is It A War On Men?

It seems like everyday, there is more talk about toxic masculinity, more examples of male bashing, and how “cis men” are the problem. We discuss this troubling trend in our culture and how a number of serious problems that males are facing are being completely ignored. This controversial episode leaves you asking, does modern feminism have the solution, or is it part of the problem?

Episode 37 | The Aftermath Of The Child Predator Report

In 2002, Life Dynamics uncovered irrefutable evidence that both Planned Parenthood and the National Abortion Federation knowingly conceal child sexual abuse while aiding and abetting sexual predators. So how are they still operating? This is a question we get asked quite often – so we break it down in one episode that will make your blood boil.

Something To Be Thankful For

To say that 2020 has been a memorable year would be the understatement of the century. It’s unnecessary to write a summary of everything that’s happened but, in a nutshell, 2020 has been like licking a lamp post in winter – painful, disgusting, and we have no idea how get out of the mess we’re…

Episode 24: Busted! Abortion Industry Racist!

Episode Synopsis: In the wake of Black Lives Matter, former employees of Planned Parenthood, NARAL, and other pro-choice organizations have come forward and stated that they witnessed overt and widespread racism inside these groups. We discuss the tell-all article from BuzzFeed about what employees have seen and experienced and why we are calling for a…