Pro-Life Check Scandal

The Pro-Life Check Scandal Life Dynamics Incorporated, 2005 LifeChecks are personalized checks emblazoned with pro-life sayings and images, and thousands of Americans use them as a way to advance the pro-life cause. The parent company of LifeChecks, Custom Direct LLC, also markets checks with other Christian, patriotic and pro-family themes under the name, The Check…

Pro-Life Answers

Ever been stumped when discussing abortion with someone who is pro-choice or on the fence about abortion? Knowing the true heart of the typical questions or misconceptions as well as the common pro-choice movement’s rhetoric and deceptions can help you learn how to respond to them in the future. Learning to answer these questions may…


Since 1992, Life Dynamics has exposed the biggest horrors and coverups of the abortion industry. You may not have heard the name Life Dynamics, but you have definitely heard about our work. Abortion Industry Child Predators EXPOSING THE PARTNERSHIP BETWEEN PLANNED PARENTHOOD, THE NATIONAL ABORTION FEDERATION AND MEN WHO SEXUALLY ABUSE UNDERAGE GIRLS Racism The…

Episode 118 | How will legalized abortion be remembered by future generations?

We love hearing from our listeners! This week we share and respond to two listener comments and suggestions and discuss how future generations will remember legalized abortion. We discuss not just abortion itself but all the things that have come with it that our society will be judged by – such as the harvesting and sale of aborted baby parts and the CDC coverup of abortion injury’s and deaths.