Episode 141 | Abortion News: The Good, The bad, and The Ugly

Episode 141 | Abortion News: The Good, The bad, and The Ugly

This week, we discuss amazing news such as the first ever life saving brain surgery on a baby in the womb and the unveiling of a pro-life statue. But we also have to discuss the wave of pro-choice activist professors and their antics on campuses, teens being butchered by legal abortion, and why Planned Parenthood is changing its focus going forward. So listen this week to get the good, the bad, and the truly ugly abortion related news.

Episode 130 | FDA Proves That Chemical Abortions  Are The Abortion Industry’s “Plan B”

Episode 130 | FDA Proves That Chemical Abortions Are The Abortion Industry’s “Plan B”

This week on the Pro-Life America podcast, we discuss the recent changes to the regulations for chemical abortions and telemed abortions made by the FDA and how this fits in with the abortion industry’s vision for the future. But in an interesting twist, could CVS, Walgreens, and others be trying to squeeze out the abortion industry in the telemed abortion business?

Episode 110 | Responding To MORE Pro-Choice Arguments

Episode 110 | Responding To MORE Pro-Choice Arguments

Did you know we take listener questions? Listener Suzette asks “ … [I] often have discussions with people. I’m having a hard time with the response ‘I know it’s a human life that’s being ended but I’m ok with that.’… How do I respond to that?… [Also] I often get that remark that says abortion is safer than birth and they provide sources. I’m having problems finding sources that say otherwise.” So this week, we discuss the “abortion is safer than birth” argument that the pro-choice side likes to use and other pro-choice rhetoric!

Episode 109 | The Second Amendment And Outlawing Abortion Is Racist?

Episode 109 | The Second Amendment And Outlawing Abortion Is Racist?

A newly released article by Salon titled, “Abortion, racism, and guns: How white supremacy unites the right” claims that racism and white supremacy is the driving force behind the Second Amendment right to bear arms and outlawing abortion. This week on the Pro-Life America podcast, the hosts dive into the article’s claims, the origins of the racist eugenics movement, the suppression of the black vote in America, and more!

Episode 93 | Leftist Propaganda Infecting Schools

Episode 93 | Leftist Propaganda Infecting Schools

This week on the Pro-Life America podcast, we discuss the realities of abortion coercion including how wide spread it is, when it becomes violent, the fallout it creates, and the importance of knowing your significant other’s position on abortion. Hear one woman’s heartbreaking story of how she was coerced into having an abortion. Are you experiencing abortion coercion? We have advice about what to do.

Episode 86 | Abortion Lobby’s Desperate Attempts To Control The Narrative

Episode 86 | Abortion Lobby’s Desperate Attempts To Control The Narrative

Think the pro-choice side is winning? Think again. New articles and ad campaigns prove that the abortion lobby is desperate to change the narrative surrounding abortion. We discuss this, their language manipulation, and how the mainstream media helps push their message as well as insulate them from bad publicity.

Episode 76 | The US Postal Service Spy Ring & Other Shady Business

Episode 76 | The US Postal Service Spy Ring & Other Shady Business

Has the USPS spied on you? What would once be an absurd thought is now something that has even the liberal outlet Politico asking questions. We discuss this and other shady business in the news right now such as: abortion clinics requesting ambulances with no lights or sirens for injured women, the hypocrisy of the Dallas Morning News, and Kamala Harris’s video endorsing Terry McAuliffe that is slated to be shown at 300 churches – despite the fact it violates the Johnson Amendment.