Episode 65 | Planned Parenthood’s Nazi Connections?!

Episode 65 | Planned Parenthood’s Nazi Connections?!

This week, we discuss the often concealed connections between the Nazis and Margaret Sanger, the organization she founded, and the “birth control” movement. We confront the pro-choice claim that Hitler was pro-life. Also, we reveal details about colleagues of Sanger’s such as Eugen Fischer, Harry Laughlin, & Lothrop Stoddard and why The American Birth Control League would change its name to Planned Parenthood. Finally, we talk about Josef Mengele: the SS doctor at Auschwitz dubbed “the angel of death,” who later became an abortionist.

Episode 58 | Lubbock Tells Planned Parenthood To Hit The Road

Episode 58 | Lubbock Tells Planned Parenthood To Hit The Road

Recently, Lubbock, Texas became the 26th city to outlaw abortion within their city limits and are a sanctuary city for the unborn. On the day that the ordinance took effect, we sat down with Mark Lee Dickson, director of Right To Life of East Texas, and pastor behind the “sanctuary city for the unborn” movement to talk about how this movement began, why it’s important, and the impact these ordinances have on the abortion industry.

Episode 55 | Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: “I am a Planned Parenthood Baby!”

Episode 55 | Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: “I am a Planned Parenthood Baby!”

During a meeting of the House Oversight and Reform Committee recently, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez hailed Planned Parenthood, claiming that their “prenatal care” saved “many babies” including herself. But Planned Parenthood’s own employees have been recorded saying that they don’t offer “prenatal care.” Special guest, Sheila Crutcher, joins us to discuss myth vs reality regarding the services that Planned Parenthood offers and the hypocrisy of pro-choice politicians who push them as healthcare for the poor.

Episode 37 | The Aftermath Of The Child Predator Report

Episode 37 | The Aftermath Of The Child Predator Report

In 2002, Life Dynamics uncovered irrefutable evidence that both Planned Parenthood and the National Abortion Federation knowingly conceal child sexual abuse while aiding and abetting sexual predators. So how are they still operating? This is a question we get asked quite often – so we break it down in one episode that will make your blood boil.

Primetime Propaganda

Primetime Propaganda

There is a natural connection between politics and culture and no one knows this better than the abortion lobby. They understand that the perception, and the stigma, of abortion affects not just its legality, but everything down to who is willing to walk through an abortion clinic’s front door. That is why the pro-choice side…