Weekly News: 1/11/20 – 1/17/20

Weekly News: 1/11/20 – 1/17/20

Abortion and Pro-Life News for the week of January 11, 2020 – January 17, 2020… Abortion advocates will do anything to try to make abortion seem “normal”, including a disturbing “art” exhibit. Individual states are wanting to address the legality of abortion at a state level. And pro-aborts say that women don’t regret having abortions with a flawed study… All this and more!

Weekly News 1/4/20 – 1/10/20

Weekly News 1/4/20 – 1/10/20

Abortion and Pro-Life News for the week of January 4, 2020 – January 10, 2020… The start of a new year brings the abortion battle to the forefront in many states. Cities in Texas are declaring themselves as Sanctuary Cities for the Unborn. And a highschooler, who killed his pregnant girlfriend and unborn baby, has been sentenced. This and more!

Counting Down To The New Year

Counting Down To The New Year

In mere hours, the infamous 2020 will be upon us. People around the world are listing their New Years resolutions – like eating more broccoli, getting fit, going to church more, and the list goes on. We at Life Dynamics have just one: to end the slaughter of the unborn in the womb. As we…



As we inch closer and closer to God’s wonderful gift of Himself and Christmas, it’s important for us to pause and reflect on why we fight so hard to end abortion.

The Dark Truth About Planned Parenthood: Sex Education

The Dark Truth About Planned Parenthood: Sex Education

“Fact: Planned Parenthood is the single largest provider of sex education in the United States, reaching 1.5 million people with education and outreach each year.”  1 That fact comes directly from Planned Parenthood’s website and it should strike fear into every person in the United States, especially parents. While Planned Parenthood, the media and even…

A Nation Without Hope

A Nation Without Hope

Watch the news or go on any social media platform and you are likely to see that some sort of tragic violence has taken place recently. It seems that we, as a nation, cannot escape it and the violence seems to be escalating. What causes this violence that hurts and kills human life? It depends on whom you ask but it really comes down to one thing…