Thousands of Dollars In Donations Stolen From Life Dynamics

As many of you know, Life Dynamics has been going through a financial crisis. It has reached the point that it is actually threatening our survival and we had no clue why it was happening. But now we do. Our problems escalated significantly around October of last year when our donations really started to dry…

As many of you know, Life Dynamics has been going through a financial crisis. It has reached the point that it is actually threatening our survival and we had no clue why it was happening. But now we do.

Our problems escalated significantly around October of last year when our donations really started to dry up. We were baffled and desperate for any possible explanation. Was it something the pro-aborts were doing? Had Mark said or done something to make you or your fellow Life Dynamics supporters angry with us? We had no idea.

Then in March of this year we began to see indications that our mail was being stolen!

Life Dynamics Robbed By Career Criminals!

Mark immediately contacted the local postmaster who put him in touch with a criminal investigator from the U.S. Postal Service. The criminal investigator agreed that our conclusion was well-founded and made it clear that this is an extremely serious federal crime. Although he made no guarantees, he said everything possible would be done to find and prosecute those responsible. Eventually, a second investigator also ended up working on the case.

In mid-April, the lead investigator called and told us that two people had been arrested in Dallas with mail in their car that was addressed to Life Dynamics! He said the suspects were a husband and wife team who live here in Denton and that they have a long criminal history – including prior convictions for mail theft. This was the break we needed.

Since then, all doubt has been erased that our mail was indeed being stolen and that these are the people who were stealing it.

Our best estimate is that, over several months, these two career criminals cost us at least $100,000 in donations and probably a lot more.

Unfortunately, that money cannot and will not ever be recovered.

While we were grappling with all this, the coronavirus situation hit the country and made our problems even worse. This was a devastating “one-two” punch that forced us to suspend many of our projects. Mark was forced to lay off a loyal employee who had been with us for over nine years. Both of these were emotionally traumatic decisions, but we had no choice.

As I’m sure you can imagine, the past few months have been a financial and mental nightmare for us. And while the Postal Service has helped us make the changes necessary to insure that it doesn’t happen again, the thing that haunts us the most is that babies we could have saved with those donations were, instead, brutally slaughtered. Which brings us this terribly important post.

Right now, we are counting on you to do three crucial things:

  • The first is to pray for us. Nothing you and I will ever do can succeed if we leave God out of it.
  • Second, if you have sent Life Dynamics a donation via the mail, you may have information that could help the authorities prosecute this case and you may not even know it. So, please fill out the form at the bottom of this post.
  • Third, please rush Life Dynamics the very best donation you can. We cannot overstate how much we need your tax-deductible gift. We know that the coronavirus shutdown is affecting you just like it is almost everyone else. But the fact is – even in the midst of this terrible pandemic – no one’s life is at greater risk than the unborn. And as we pointed out in episode three of our Pro-Life America podcast, it’s business as usual for the abortion industry. And if we turn our backs on them now they will be killed in increasing numbers. It’s just that simple.

So please send whatever you can TODAY! You have our promise that your money will be used to fight for every baby without compromise, without exception, and without apology. That has always been the Life Dynamics standard and it always will be.

In closing, we want to take a moment to let you know that everyone here is praying for you and your family during this troubling time. Thank you for all you do for the unborn and may God bless you.


Mark & the staff of Life Dynamics

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One Comment

  1. This is terrible to hear! Do we know anything about what motivated them to steal from Life Dynamics?

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