Episode 62 | Biden Administration’s Dedication To Abortion & Other News

Episode 62 | Biden Administration’s Dedication To Abortion & Other News

Recent news of Biden’s administration and his appointees makes it clear that they are dedicated to abortion. We discuss Biden’s choice for ambassador to Ireland, at a time when pro-choicers in Ireland are pushing for the expansion of legalized abortion, as well as his choice for the head of the Bureau of Land Management. We also discuss Biden’s appointee to HHS, Xavier Becerra, nixing the NIH ethics board overseeing human fetal tissue research. Plus, we share the interesting clash that happened recently between an Irish radio host and “bio-ethicist” Richard Dawkins about Dawkins’s views on aborting children with disabilities.

Episode 61 | Pro-Choice Converts: Who’s Winnable?

Episode 61 | Pro-Choice Converts: Who’s Winnable?

Every day, pro-lifers debate pro-choicers online and attempt to sway their opinion. We discuss the important distinctions between different subgroups of pro-choicers, why some are “un-winnable,” and why it’s important to recognize this. Plus, we discuss a major debate trap that pro-lifers need to be aware of. All of this raises the question, are public debates on college campuses a waste of time? The answer may surprise you…

Episode 60 | The Latest In America’s Ongoing Culture War

Episode 60 | The Latest In America’s Ongoing Culture War

This week, we discuss the latest (and surreal) news stories like a North Korean defector stating that North Korea was pretty crazy,” but not as crazy as the propaganda she witnessed at Columbia University. Plus, we share how the Vatican is warning bishops not to deny communion to pro-choice politicians like Joe Biden. And finally, more data is coming out about America’s declining birth rate, that has some wondering, “How Low Can America’s Birth Rate Go Before It’s A Problem?”

Episode 59 | “Birthing People” & More Loopy Language From The Left

Episode 59 | “Birthing People” & More Loopy Language From The Left

This week, we discuss the latest news stories revealing the left’s love of verbal gymnastics – including the White House’s new budget replacing the word mothers with “birthing people,” and a British pro-choicer’s new term for men found in their op-ed titled, “A letter to the Anti-Abortion Protestors.” Plus, we discuss the graduation speech that has literally everyone talking.

Episode 58 | Lubbock Tells Planned Parenthood To Hit The Road

Episode 58 | Lubbock Tells Planned Parenthood To Hit The Road

Recently, Lubbock, Texas became the 26th city to outlaw abortion within their city limits and are a sanctuary city for the unborn. On the day that the ordinance took effect, we sat down with Mark Lee Dickson, director of Right To Life of East Texas, and pastor behind the “sanctuary city for the unborn” movement to talk about how this movement began, why it’s important, and the impact these ordinances have on the abortion industry.

Episode 56 | “Roll On Mississippi”

Episode 56 | “Roll On Mississippi”

In a decision both sides are calling a turning point, Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization – the lawsuit over Mississippi’s new law banning abortions after 15 weeks, is headed to the Supreme Court. We discuss all the potential outcomes and our theories as to why, after years of skillfully dodging most abortion cases, we think the Supreme Court is hearing this one now – and the answer may surprise you.

Episode 55 | Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: “I am a Planned Parenthood Baby!”

Episode 55 | Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: “I am a Planned Parenthood Baby!”

During a meeting of the House Oversight and Reform Committee recently, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez hailed Planned Parenthood, claiming that their “prenatal care” saved “many babies” including herself. But Planned Parenthood’s own employees have been recorded saying that they don’t offer “prenatal care.” Special guest, Sheila Crutcher, joins us to discuss myth vs reality regarding the services that Planned Parenthood offers and the hypocrisy of pro-choice politicians who push them as healthcare for the poor.