Episode 80 | Double Standards of the Left

The left shouts, “no uterus, no opinion” – yet says that men can get pregnant. The UK now recognizes that octopuses, crabs and lobsters are sentient beings – yet not the unborn. Meanwhile, the same animal rights supporters who cry for the protection of eagle eggs have no problem with the destruction of unborn lives. All this and more in an episode dedicated to some of the biggest double standards of the left!

Episode Synopsis:

The left shouts, “no uterus, no opinion” – yet says that men can get pregnant. The UK now recognizes that octopuses, crabs and lobsters are sentient beings – yet not the unborn. Meanwhile, the same animal rights supporters who cry for the protection of eagle eggs have no problem with the destruction of unborn lives. All this and more in an episode dedicated to some of the biggest double standards of the left!

Episode Duration: 24 min

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In This Episode We Discuss:
  1. Greetings (00:23)
  2. The hilarious twist to the media attempting to boost Harris’s image (00:35)
  3. Today’s topic (3:43)
  4. “No uterus, no opinion” (4:02)
  5. The potential ramifications of pro-choicer’s double standards (9:09)
  6. Upcoming changes to the draft (15:07)
  7. The current state of our judicial system (17:23)
  8. Animal protections vs the destruction of the unborn (22:06)
  9. Closing Statements (23:46)

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