Episode 51 | Snail Mail Abortions?

This week, under the guise of women’s safety due to COVID, the FDA announced that women seeking an abortion pill will not be required to visit a doctor’s office or clinic. We discuss how the fight to abandon this requirement began, what it means for women and young girls and what the motivation for the abortion industry’s endorsement of RU-486 really is. (Hint: It’s not money.)

Episode Synopsis:

This week, under the guise of women’s safety due to COVID, the FDA announced that women seeking an abortion pill will not be required to visit a doctor’s office or clinic. We discuss how the fight to abandon this requirement began, what it means for women and young girls and what the motivation for the abortion industry’s endorsement of RU-486 really is. (Hint: It’s not money.)

Episode Duration: 27 min

In This Episode We Discuss:
  1. Greetings (00:23)
  2. FDA announces women seeking an abortion pill will not be required to visit a doctor’s office or clinic (00:43)
  3. How this all began (1:13)
  4. How the abortion industry ditched the manufacturer’s protocol long ago (4:16)
  5. The clinical trials and dangers of RU-486 (7:00)
  6. The real motivation for the abortion industry’s endorsement of RU-486 (8:45)
  7. The connection between RU-486 and the Holocaust (10:15)
  8. There is no moral distinction between chemical and mechanical abortion (16:01)
  9. What this ruling means for women and young girls (17:36)
  10. How many forms of birth control can act as an abortifacient (20:54)
  11. What you don’t know about birth control (23:10)
  12. Closing Statements (25:48)

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